歌词 "Dark End Of The Street" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Dark End Of The Street



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

At the dark end of the street 在这条街的暗结

That's where we always meet 这就是我们经常见面

Hiding in shadows where we don't belong 躲藏在阴影中,我们不属于

Living in darkness to hide our wrong 生活在黑暗中隐藏我们的错

You and me at the dark end of the street 你和我在街上的暗结

You and me 你和我


I know time is gonna take its toll 我知道时间是会受到惩罚

We have to pay for what we stole 我们要为我们偷

It's a sin and we know it's wrong 这是一种罪过,我们知道它是错的

Oh but our love keeps coming on strong 哦,但我们的爱不断强大的到来

Steal away to the dark end of the street 偷走街上的暗结

You and me 你和我


They're gonna find us 他们会找到我们

They're gonna find us 他们会找到我们

They're gonna find us all some day 他们会找到我们所有的某一天

You and me at the dark end of the street 你和我在街上的暗结


They're gonna find us 他们会找到我们

They're gonna find us 他们会找到我们

They're gonna find us oh some day 他们会找到我们哦,有一天

You and me at the dark end of the street 你和我在街上的暗结


And when the daylight hour rolls round 而当白天小时滚动轮

And by chance we're both downtown 而一次偶然的机会,我们俩都闹

If we should meet then just walk on by 如果我们再见面只是走的

Oh darling please please don't cry 哦,亲爱的,请你不要哭

Tonight we'll meet 今晚我们会见面

At the dark end of the street 在这条街的暗结

Oh tonight we'll meet 哦,今晚我们会见面

At the dark end of the street 在这条街的暗结

歌词 Dark End Of The Street 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/dark-end-of-the-street-1/