歌词 "Dancing With The Dj Remix" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Dancing With The Dj Remix



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

[CHORUS (THE KNOCKS SAMPLE):] [合唱(敲样本) : ]

We don’t care 我们不关心

We don’t care 我们不关心

We don’t care if the sun comes up 当太阳升起,我们不关心

We don’t care if the sun comes up 当太阳升起,我们不关心

We don’t care if the sun comes up 当太阳升起,我们不关心

Cause you know we’ll be dancing with the DJ 因为你知道,我们将与DJ跳舞

We don’t care if the sun comes up 当太阳升起,我们不关心

Cause you know we’ll be dancing with the DJ 因为你知道,我们将与DJ跳舞

Come tonight, I’m gonna find your love 来吧,今晚,我会找到你的爱

And we can have a party just the two of us yeah 我们可以有一个政党只是我们两个人呀


[INTRO:] [简介: ]

Yeah, praise this beat 是啊,赞美这一掌

To the almighty Xaphoon Jones, The Knocks, Chiddy 全能者Xaphoon琼斯来临, Chiddy


[VERSE 1:] [诗歌1 : ]

She came to dance insane, too low 她来跳舞疯狂,过低

To a level I never ever seen before 的水平我从来没有见过的

Start this, small kiss, that’s lean the walk 启动此,小吻,那是瘦步行

To the fact that I turn it like Tina though 要我把它像蒂娜虽然事实

And I seen the glow in your eyes 我看到了你眼里的光芒

Give me them wings, give me them thighs 给我他们的翅膀,给我他们的大腿

High in the penthouse we can just rise 高我们就可以升到顶层复式

Told her I’m a star and I’m up in these skies 告诉她,我是一个明星,我在这天空

Enough of these guys, talking how they really gonna do it 够了这些家伙,怎么说话,他们真的会这么做

Try and get the Benz, try and get the Buick 尝试并获得了奔驰,尝试并获得别克

So come in girl, know where you gotta be 这样一来的女孩,知道你得

And I’m one in a million, no lottery 而我万里挑一的,没有彩票

I got game, that’s EA proof 我得到的游戏,这是EA的证明

And she told me to come over by the DJ booth 她告诉我的DJ台过来

I’m in the DJ booth, I rock PJ’s loose 我在DJ台,我摇滚PJ的松

I want the Absolut power and I don’t need Grey Goose 我想要的绝对权力,我不需要灰鹅

I got it 我得到了它


[CHORUS (THE KNOCKS SAMPLE):] [合唱(敲样本) : ]

We don’t care if the sun comes up 当太阳升起,我们不关心

We don’t care if the sun comes up 当太阳升起,我们不关心

We don’t care if the sun comes up 当太阳升起,我们不关心

Cause you know we’ll be dancing with the DJ 因为你知道,我们将与DJ跳舞

We don’t care if the sun comes up 当太阳升起,我们不关心

Cause you know we’ll be dancing with the DJ 因为你知道,我们将与DJ跳舞

Come tonight, I’m gonna find your love 来吧,今晚,我会找到你的爱

And we can have a party just the two of us yeah 我们可以有一个政党只是我们两个人呀


[VERSE 2:] [诗2 : ]

So try to dance to this, and find ‘mance to this 因此,尝试跳舞这一点,并找到“曼斯本

And later on when you try and find cannabis 后来就当你试图找到大麻

Like I’m on but I’m pressured no tanning chicks 像我上,但我没有压力鞣小鸡

And they always want gifts on some Santa shit 他们总是想一些圣诞老人的礼物狗屎

Seen one of those that night, she in the back right 在背部右侧看到其中的一个,那天晚上,她

She had the leggings that killed it up in the black tights 她杀死了它在黑色紧身衣绑腿

And I’m never slipping, even on black ice 而且我从来不打滑,即使在黑冰

I’m in the front so they always tryin to back bite 我在前面,因此他们总是试着背咬

But anyway, back to you 但无论如何,回到你身边

And I think you got a good sense of fashion too 而且我觉得你有时尚感好太多

Your man cool but you need a little passion too 你的男人很酷,但你需要一点激情也

Made of Mountain or not, bitch pass the Dew 做山与否,婊子通过露

I’m just trying to catch breeze like I’m passing through 我只是想赶上微风像我路过

Sip a couple sangrias if I have to 抿一对夫妇sangrias如果我有

Girl we gotta get going so she say poof 女孩我们得走了,所以她说噗

Then she started goin over to the DJ booth so thats why 然后,她开始在布莱恩的DJ台,以便这就是为什么


[CHORUS (THE KNOCKS SAMPLE):] [合唱(敲样本) : ]

We don’t care if the sun comes up 当太阳升起,我们不关心

We don’t care if the sun comes up 当太阳升起,我们不关心

We don’t care if the sun comes up 当太阳升起,我们不关心

Cause you know we’ll be dancing with the DJ 因为你知道,我们将与DJ跳舞

We don’t care if the sun comes up 当太阳升起,我们不关心

Cause you know we’ll be dancing with the DJ 因为你知道,我们将与DJ跳舞

Come tonight, I’m gonna find your love 来吧,今晚,我会找到你的爱

And we can have a party just the two of us yeah 我们可以有一个政党只是我们两个人呀


[OUTRO:] [ OUTRO : ]

We can just keep going 我们只要坚持下去

We can just keep goin 我们可以只保留布莱恩

We gonna be here all night, I swear 我们会整晚都在这里,我发誓

Still make it in time for breakfast 还是让它在早餐时间

歌词 Dancing With The Dj Remix 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/dancing-with-the-dj-remix/