歌词 "Dancing In The Headlights" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Dancing In The Headlights



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

You can see the dust from the trucks in the sunset 你可以看到从卡车的尘埃在夕阳

Heading out down Lazy Branch Road 标题淘汰下来懒科路

High beams cutting a trail through the hay fields 高光束通过干草领域切割痕迹

Crossing the creek where the fuzz can't go 越过小溪那里的绒毛不能去


Make a few calls and the girls come running 打几个电话和女孩跑过来

Guess me and the boys have go it going on 猜猜我和孩子们都走了怎么回事

The way they're looking all summertime sexy 他们正在寻找所有的夏季性感的方式

Can make a party last all night long 可以做一个晚会上整夜


[Chorus] [合唱]

We got the drink drink, we got the trucks cranked 我们得到了喝饮料,我们得到了手摇车

We got the bass down low (whoa) 我们得到了低音低低的(哇)

Girls got there shaker shaking, a buzz in the making 女孩到了那里摇摇晃,一个时髦的制作

They're going out of control, (whoa) 他们会失去控制, (哇)

They're getting with it burning hotter by the minute 他们得到了它在燃烧的一刻更热

You know you got the perfect night 你知道你得到了完美的夜晚

When you got the girls 当你得到了女孩

Dancing, dancing, dancing in the headlights 跳舞,跳舞,跳舞大灯


Bodies moving to the beat of the music 体移动到音乐的节拍

Shadows dancing in the top of the trees 在树的顶部阴影跳舞

I can see you baby rocking that spotlight 我可以看到你的宝宝摇了聚光灯下

Lost in the moment, caught in the beam 迷失在当下,抓住了梁


[Repeat Chorus] [重复合唱]


We got the girls dancing, dancing, in the headlights 我们得到了女孩跳舞,跳舞,在大灯

Dancing, dancing, dancing all night 跳舞,跳舞,跳舞一整夜


[Chorus] [合唱]

We got the drink drank, we got the tracks cranked 我们得到了饮料喝,我们得到了手摇轨道

we got the bass down low 我们得到了低音低低的

Girls got their shaker shaking, a buzz in the making 女孩得到了他们的振动筛震动,嗡嗡声在酝酿

They're going out of control, (whoa) 他们会失去控制, (哇)

They're getting with it burning hotter by the minute 他们得到了它在燃烧的一刻更热

You know you got the perfect night 你知道你得到了完美的夜晚

When you got the girls 当你得到了女孩

Dancing, dancing, dancing in the headlights 跳舞,跳舞,跳舞大灯

Dancing, dancing, dancing in the headlights 跳舞,跳舞,跳舞大灯

歌词 Dancing In The Headlights 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/dancing-in-the-headlights/

歌词 Dancing In The Headlights 的作者与版权信息:


Dustin Lynch


Big Music Machine, Golden Gears Music