歌词 "Dance, Dance, Dance" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Dance, Dance, Dance


歌词相关歌手:LYKKE LI

English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

having trouble telling 有麻烦告诉

how i feel 我怎么感觉

but i can dance, dance, dance 但我可以跳舞,跳舞,跳舞

couldn't possibly tell you 不可能告诉你

how i mean 怎么我的意思

but i can dance, dance, dance 但我可以跳舞,跳舞,跳舞


so when i trip on my feet 所以,当我在我的脚绊倒

look at the beat 看的节拍

the words are 的话

written in the sand 写在沙

when i'm shaking my hips 当我摇晃我的臀部

look for the swing 寻找摆动

the words are 的话

written in the air 写在空气


oh dance 哦舞

i was a dancer all along 我是一个舞者一直

dance, dance, dance 舞,舞,舞

words can never make up for what you do 说出的话不能弥补你做什么


easy conversations, 轻松的谈话,

there's no such thing 有没有这样的事情

oh, i'm shy, shy, shy 哦,我害羞,腼腆,害羞

my hips they lie 我的臀部,他们撒谎

'cause in reality, aye “导致在现实中,赞成

i'm shy shy shy 我害羞腼腆害羞


when i trip on my feet 当我在我的脚绊倒

look at the ground 看地面

the words are 的话

written in the dust 写在灰尘

when i'm shaking my hips 当我摇晃我的臀部

look for the swing 寻找摆动

the words are 的话

written in the air 写在空气


oh dance 哦舞

i was a dancer all along 我是一个舞者一直

dance, dance, dance 舞,舞,舞

now words can never make up for what you do 现在说出的话不能弥补你做什么


oh dance 哦舞

i was a dancer all along 我是一个舞者一直

dance, dance, dance 舞,舞,舞

now words can never make up for what you do 现在说出的话不能弥补你做什么

歌词 Dance, Dance, Dance 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/dance-dance-dance-6/

歌词 Dance, Dance, Dance 的作者与版权信息:


Bjoern Yttling, Lykke Li Zachrisson


Emi Music Publishing Scandinavia AB