歌词 "Cubicle" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

The news absconded all 新闻潜逃全部

Past dually marked 过去的双重标

Of what you wanted done 什么你想要做

January's been long 一月份的久了

He walked around his stuff 他走了一圈他的东西

As she's been so 因为她是这么

The manager speaks of him 经理对他说

Twenty five years down 二十五年后


There's nothing there at all 没有什么存在可言

The biggest things are always small 最大的东西总是小

It doesn't matter at all 没关系,在所有


The emptiness on his face 他脸上的空虚

Now you've put wrong 现在你已经把错

The simple moments of 的简单时刻

Tempering the night 回火夜


Stand around my seething 站在我身边沸腾

On what's involved 对什么是涉及

From arguments left out 从参数冷落

Can't you hear the call? 你能听到召唤吗?

歌词 Cubicle 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/cubicle/