歌词 "Cruel Intentions" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Cruel Intentions


歌词相关歌手:MELANIE C

English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

The weight inside me is as heavy as a loaded gun 我内心的重量一样重了膛的枪

Exploring the pain I discover it’s fun 探索痛苦,我发现它的乐趣

Makes me understand why you behave the way you do 让我明白为什么你表现你的方式

Inflicting this on myself brings me closer to you 对自己造成这使我更接近你


Lay with me your cruel intentions 躺在我的残忍意图

Cut me deep with your deception 给我切深与欺骗

Tenderly without affection 温柔没有感情

Do you help yourself by hurting me? 你帮助自己伤害了我?


No longer shocking how quickly you turn from good to bad 如何快速打开从好到坏不再令人震惊

First lesson today start believing the facts 今天的第一堂课开始相信事实

Your condemning me is valid, maybe that’s your truth 你骂我来说是有效的,也许这就是你的真相

My question is this, where is the proof? 我的问题是这样的,哪里是证据?


Lay with me your cruel intentions 躺在我的残忍意图

Cut me deep with your deception 给我切深与欺骗

Tenderly without affection 温柔没有感情

Do you help yourself by hurting me? 你帮助自己伤害了我?


Before you drag me under 在你把我下

Another breath, you take the air from me 另一种气息,你从我透风

Un-create this monster 未建立这个怪物

Let me steel the tainted air you breathe 我的钢铁污染的空气,你呼吸


Lay with me your cruel intentions 躺在我的残忍意图

Cut me deep with your deception 给我切深与欺骗

Tenderly without affection 温柔没有感情

Do you help yourself by hurting me? 你帮助自己伤害了我?

歌词 Cruel Intentions 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/cruel-intentions-1/