歌词 "Crazy For You" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Crazy For You



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Found myself today 今天发现我自己

Singing out loud your name, 唱大声你的名字,

You said I'm crazy, 你说我疯了,

If I am I'm crazy for you. 如果我是,我为你疯狂。

Sometimes sitting in the dark 有时坐在黑暗

Wishing you were here 祝你在这里

Turns me crazy, 原来我疯了,

But it's you who makes me lose my head. 但它是你谁使我失去了我的头。

And every time I'm meant to be acting sensible 每次我意味着要理智行事

You drift into my head 你飘入我的脑海

And turn me into a crumbling fool. 并把我变成摇摇欲坠的傻瓜。

Tell me to run and I'll race, 告诉我跑,我会参加比赛,

If you want me to stop I'll freeze, 如果你要我停止,我会冻结,

And if you want me gone, I'll leave, 如果你要我走了,我会离开,

Just hold me closer, baby, 牵住我更接近,宝贝,

And make me crazy for you. 并让我为你疯狂。

Crazy for you. 为你疯狂。

Lately with this state I'm in 最近,在这种状态下,我在

I can't help myself but spin. 我不能帮助自己,但旋转。

I wish you'd come over, 我希望你过来,

Send me spinning closer to you. 送我纺接近你。

My oh my, how my blood boils, 我的哦,我,我的血怎么疖,

It's sweet taste for you, 这是甜味的你,

Strips me down bare 剥去我失望裸

And gets me into my favourite mood. 并得到我到我最喜欢的心情。

I keep on trying, fighting these feelings away, 我一直在努力,争取这些感觉走,

But the more I do, 但我越这样做,

The crazier I turn into. 在疯狂的我转进去。

Pacing floors and opening doors, 起搏地板和开门,

Hoping you'll walk through 希望你能穿行

And save me boy, 救我的孩子,

Because I'm too crazy for you. 因为我太为你疯狂。

Crazy for you 为你疯狂

歌词 Crazy For You 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/crazy-for-you/

歌词 Crazy For You 的作者与版权信息:


Adele Laurie Blue Adkins


Melted Stone Publishing Ltd.