歌词 "Count In Fives" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Count In Fives



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词


Yeah, I count in fives. 是啊,我算在五岁以下儿童。

I do it everytime. í每次做。

And if another number confronts me 如果另一个号码在我面前

I will cut you in half. 我就砍你了一半。


Irrespective of the subject I will make it apply, 不论这个问题,我会让它适用,

No matter what the object I will count in fives, 无论是什么对象,我会在五元计算,

Tell me the location I will stand outside... 告诉我,我会站在外面的位置...


Oh yeah, 哦耶,

If you give me too many, 如果你给我太多,

I will multiply. 我要加倍重视。

Force too many into my hand 力太多了我的手

And I will not comprehend. 我不会理解。


Irrespective of the subject I will make it apply, 不论这个问题,我会让它适用,

No matter what the object I will count in fives, 无论是什么对象,我会在五元计算,

Tell me the location I will stand outside... 告诉我,我会站在外面的位置...


Oh yeah, 哦耶,

Another number confronts me 另一些在我面前

And I force it to divide. 我强迫它来划分。

The first time with someone holding my hand. 第一次跟别人牵着我的手。

The second, me holding it out. 第二,我抱着它。


Irrespective of the subject I will make it apply, 不论这个问题,我会让它适用,

No matter what the object I will count in fives, 无论是什么对象,我会在五元计算,

Tell me the location I will stand outside... 告诉我,我会站在外面的位置...


Oh yeah, 哦耶,

If you try to deceive me 如果你试图欺骗我

I feel it burn in my hand. 我觉得它在我手中燃烧。

Now watch the numbers run to me 现在看跑给我的号码

As I count them in fives 正如我数得过来的五岁以下儿童

歌词 Count In Fives 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/count-in-fives/

歌词 Count In Fives 的作者与版权信息:


Rhys Webb, Faris Badwan, Joseph Spurgeon, Joshua Hayward, Thomas Cowan


Universal Music Publishing Ltd.