歌词 "Comes And Goes" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Comes And Goes



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Now and then here and there I still see you 现在再在这里和那里我还看到你

Sometimes my mem'ry lets me hear your voice so soft and low 有时候,我memry让我听到你的声音如此温柔,如此低

But like the wind you travel in you seem to come and go 但是,就像你在你旅行的风似乎来来去去

At times my mind is crystal clear and then I think of you 有时,我的心是很清晰的话,我想你

Then the spin of the room I'm in brings you into view 然后房间的我在旋转带你进入视野

Love that once held my mind completely in control 爱,一旦完全控制握着我的脑海

Now makes it spin like tornado winds as it comes and goes 现在,使它旋转像龙卷风的风,因为它来得快,去


Well look who's here I told myself that you'd be coming soon 好好看看谁在这里我告诉自己,你会即将登场

I hope that you can stay for a little while I'm so lonesome in this room 我希望你能留下一小会儿,我在这个房间里很冷清

And you look just the same today do you still love me so 你看就在今天同你还爱我

What's that you say you can't stay you seem to come and go 什么,你说你不能留你似乎来来去去

At times my mind is crystal clear... 有时我心里是一清二楚......

歌词 Comes And Goes 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/comes-and-goes-3/