歌词 "Come On Over" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Come On Over



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Come on over, 你过来吧,

There's a bed to lie on. 有一张床躺上。

And when life gets colder, 当生活渐渐变冷,

We'll both have a shoulder to cry on. 我们俩有一个哭泣的肩膀。

Come on over, 你过来吧,

There's so much to do. 有这么多的事情。

And if it gets boring, 如果它很无聊,

I'll smile just knowing I've got you. 我会微笑只知道我有你。


We can make it all through the night. 我们可以把它通宵达旦。

And baby it'll be okay. 宝贝,它会好起来的。

But if you can't make it over tonight, 但是,如果你今晚不能让它过去,

Then promise you'll be by someday. 那么保证你会被一天。

Be by someday. 通过一天。


Come on over, 你过来吧,

There's a boy that likes you. 还有,喜欢你的男孩。

And where I come from, 而我来自哪里,

That's just gotta mean something to you. 这只是爱意味着什么给你。


Come on over, 你过来吧,

We can't live forever. 我们不能永远活着。

If we gotta grow older, 如果我们得随着年龄的增长,

We might as well do it together. 我们不妨一起做吧。


We can make it all through the night. 我们可以把它通宵达旦。

And baby it'll be okay. 宝贝,它会好起来的。

But if you can't make it over tonight, 但是,如果你今晚不能让它过去,

Then promise you'll be by someday. 那么保证你会被一天。

You'll be by someday. 你会用一天。


It's just something. 这只是一些。

A little bit of loving you could never understand. 爱你永远无法理解一点点。

And I don't know what I'd do, 我不知道我会怎么做,

If I had to see you in the arms of another man. 如果我有看到你在另一个男人的怀抱。


If I had it my way, 如果我有我的方式,

You'd be here today. 今天你会在这里。

No mistake would shake it, make it, take it out of the way 别搞错了会动摇它,让它,把它拿出来的办法

You can do it baby, 你可以做到这一点的宝宝,

It'll be okay. 它会好起来的。


Come on over, 你过来吧,

There's a bed to lie on. 有一张床躺上。

And when life gets colder, 当生活渐渐变冷,

We'll both have a shoulder to cry on. 我们俩有一个哭泣的肩膀。


Come on over, 你过来吧,

We can't live forever. 我们不能永远活着。

If we gotta grow older, 如果我们得随着年龄的增长,

We might as well do it together. 我们不妨一起做吧。


We can make it all through the night. 我们可以把它通宵达旦。

And baby it'll be okay. 宝贝,它会好起来的。

But if you can't make it over tonight, 但是,如果你今晚不能让它过去,

Then promise you'll be by someday. 那么保证你会被一天。

You'll be by someday. 你会用一天。


It's just something. 这只是一些。

A little bit of loving you could never understand. 爱你永远无法理解一点点。

And I don't know what I'd do, 我不知道我会怎么做,

If I had to see you in the arms of another man. 如果我有看到你在另一个男人的怀抱。


If I had it my way, 如果我有我的方式,

You'd be here today. 今天你会在这里。

No mistake would shake it, make it, take it out of the way 别搞错了会动摇它,让它,把它拿出来的办法

You can do it baby, 你可以做到这一点的宝宝,

It'll be okay... 它会没事的......


So come on over baby, 所以来了宝贝,

It'll be okay. 它会好起来的。

歌词 Come On Over 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/come-on-over-6/