歌词 "Come Around My Way" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Come Around My Way



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

[Hook x2:] [钩X2 : ]

You think you know but you ain't got no clue 你以为你知道,但你也不是不知道

What the street life will make you do 什么是街头的生活会让你做

Follow me lemme show you how we grind, how we stack our pay 跟着我还是让我告诉你我们怎么磨,怎么叠我们的付出

Fuck Tomorrow cause we livin' for today 他妈的明天的事业,我们活着的今天

Come around my way 来到我身边我的方式


I'm tired of dealin' with this constant stress 我已经厌倦了戏份的“这个恒定应力

The only thing guaranteed to a nigga is death 保证了一个黑人的唯一一件事就是死亡

So we run the risk of gettin' arrested 所以我们跑刚开了被捕的风险

But it's hard gettin' money in my hood cause the block congested 但它在我的引擎盖硬盘刚开了钱导致拥堵块

Niggas gettin' me to pull out the vests 黑鬼刚开了我拉出背心

If you scared of gettin tested 如果你开始报吓的测试

Homie this isn't something you shouldn't mess with 哥们,这是不是你不应该乱用

I saw some fatal images when I was eleven 我看到一些致命的影像,当我11

That's when my uncle got addicted to the shit he was sellin' 这时候,我的叔叔得到了上瘾的狗屎,他出卖

And I just took it as a lesson and learned from his mistakes 我只是把它作为一个教训,从他的错误中汲取教训

I'm a keep my faith in god til I catch my break 我是一个让我对上帝的信仰,直到我明白我的破

They say my momma's first born turned out to be a thug nigga 他们说我妈妈的第一个出生的竟然是一个暴徒黑鬼

A bad example for my brother and my little sister 一个坏榜样为我的哥哥和我妹妹

I could do better and I knew that shit 我可以做的更好,我知道的那些事

I had a couple opportunities I blew that shit 我有我吹的那些事了几个机会

But being lord of the streets will make you do that shit 但作为街头之王会让你做的那些事

You get a job go to school and shit 你得到一份工作去上学和狗屎

I'd rather move that brick 我宁愿动议砖


[Hook x2:] [钩X2 : ]

You think you know but you ain't got no clue 你以为你知道,但你也不是不知道

What the street life will make you do 什么是街头的生活会让你做

Follow me lemme show you how we grind, how we stack our pay 跟着我还是让我告诉你我们怎么磨,怎么叠我们的付出

Fuck Tomorrow cause we livin' for today 他妈的明天的事业,我们活着的今天

Come around my way 来到我身边我的方式


Come and take a lil' trip to my hood 来把一个可爱的小之旅我的引擎盖

And see that everything ain't all good 看看这一切是不是都好

If I could turn around my life I would 如果我能转身我的生活我会

This is owned by the arabs and asians 这是由阿拉伯人和亚洲人资

In the city it's 90 percent black 在城市是90 %的黑人

The mayor is caucasian 市长是白种人

I ain't prejudice I just tell it how it is 我是不会妨碍我只是告诉它是怎么回事

This is one of the worst places you can raise yo kids 这是最糟糕的地方之一,你可以提高孩子哟

Cause instead of buildin' more schools they buildin' more prisons 原因,而不是buildin “更多的学校,他们buildin ”更多的监狱

Our tax dollars is feeding all these greedy politicians 我们的税钱是喂养这些贪婪的政客

They sittin'; up gettin'; fat while we starve in the hood 他们正坐在;最多刚开了;脂肪的同时,我们饿死在引擎盖

The unemployment rate is bonkers ain't no job in the hood 失业率是疯狂是不是在引擎盖没有工作

If you ain; t working a job then you movin' some work 如果艾因; T的工作工作,那么你往前一些工作

Stickin'; these needles, pimpin'; these bitches, or doin' some dirt 朵朵;这些针,潘潘 ;这些母狗,还是上来的一些污垢

It's amazing what motherfuckers will do for the murk 这是惊人的怎么就什么都会做的天昏地暗

You get to comfortable your whole crew will get murked 你能舒服的全体船员将得到murked

You got your ticket out the hood I suggest you get up on it 你有你的票了引擎盖,我建议你起床就可以了

And pray for the future but we livin'; for the moment 并祈求未来,但我们活着的话;的时刻

Whatever's necessary I'm a do it til they drop my body in the cemetery 凡是需要我是一个做直到他们将我的身体在墓地

Welcome to Scary Gary nikka 欢迎来到可怕的加里·妮卡


[Hook x2:] [钩X2 : ]

You think you know but you ain't got no clue 你以为你知道,但你也不是不知道

What the street life will make you do 什么是街头的生活会让你做

Follow me lemme show you how we grind, how we stack our pay 跟着我还是让我告诉你我们怎么磨,怎么叠我们的付出

Fuck Tomorrow cause we livin' for today 他妈的明天的事业,我们活着的今天

Come around my way 来到我身边我的方式

歌词 Come Around My Way 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/come-around-my-way-1/