歌词 "Colder Weather" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Colder Weather



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

She'd trade Colorado if he'd take her with him 她宁愿拿科罗拉多州,如果他会带她与他

Closes the door before the winter lets the cold in, 关上门的冬天让冷之前,

And wonders if her love is strong enough to make him stay, 并想知道她的爱是强大到足以让他留下来,

She's answered by the tail lights shining through the window pane 她的尾灯透过窗玻璃闪耀回答


[Chorus:] [合唱: ]

He said I wanna see you again 他说我不想再见到你

But I'm stuck in colder weather 但是我被困在寒冷的天气

Maybe tomorrow will be better 也许明天会更好

Can I call you then? 我可以给你打电话呢?

She said you're ramblin' man 她说,你是ramblin “人

You ain't ever gonna change 你是不是永远不会改变

You got a gypsy soul to blame 你有一个吉普赛灵魂怪

And you were born for leavin'. 和你出生的要走了。


At a truck stop diner just outside of Lincoln, 在卡车休息站用餐外面林肯,

The night is black as the coffee he was drinkin', 夜晚是黑色的,因为他是喝咖啡“ ,

And in the waitress' eyes he sees the same ol' light a-shinin', 而在女服务生的眼睛,他看到了同样的醇点燃,照耀,

He thinks of Colorado and the girl he left behind him 他认为科罗拉多和女孩,他离开了他的身后


[Chorus:] [合唱: ]

He said I wanna see you again 他说我不想再见到你

But I'm stuck in colder weather 但是我被困在寒冷的天气

Maybe tomorrow will be better 也许明天会更好

Can I call you then? 我可以给你打电话呢?

She said you're ramblin' man 她说,你是ramblin “人

You ain't ever gonna change 你是不是永远不会改变

You got a gypsy soul to blame 你有一个吉普赛灵魂怪

And you were born for leavin' (born for leavin') 和你出生的要走了(出生要走了)


Well, it's a winding road 嗯,这是一个曲折的道路

When you're in the lost and found 当你在失物招领

You're a lover – I'm a runner 你是一个情人 - 我是一个亚军

And we go 'round 'n 'round 我们去圆N 轮

And I love you but I leave you 我爱你,但我离开你

I don't want you but I need you 我不想要你,但我需要你

You know it's you who calls me back here, baby 你知道这是谁,你叫我回到这里,宝贝


Oh I wanna see you again 哦,我想再次见到你

But I'm stuck in colder weather 但是我被困在寒冷的天气

Maybe tomorrow will be better 也许明天会更好

Can I call you then? 我可以给你打电话呢?

Cause I'm a ramblin' man 因为我是个ramblin 人

I ain't ever gonna change (I ain't ever gonna change) 我是不是永远不会改变(我是不是永远不会改变)

I got a gypsy soul to blame 我有一个吉普赛灵魂怪

And I was born for leavin' (born for leavin') 我出生在要走了(出生要走了)


When I close my eyes I see you 当我闭上眼睛我看到你

No matter where I am 无论我在哪里

I can smell your perfume through these whispering pines 我可以通过这些窃窃私语松树闻你的香水

I'm with your ghost again 我是你的幽灵再次

It's a shame about the weather 这是一个有关天气的耻辱

But I know soon we'll be together 但我很快就知道我们会在一起

And I can't wait 'til then 我不能等待,直到再

I can't wait 'til then 我不能等待,直到再

歌词 Colder Weather 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/colder-weather/