歌词 "Cold" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

You put a little black flower 你把一个黑色的小花朵

in my left shirt-pocket 在我的左上衣口袋

I still feel it now as something heavy 我还是觉得现在它看成是重

But it's losing leaves somehow 但它在某种程度上失去了叶子

We wait for nothing now 我们现在等待什么

We were never really close 我们从来没有真正接近

Don't pretend there's not ice 不要假装有没有冰

in your blood 在你的血液

So please hush we're at the edge 所以,请别吵我们在边缘

One of us needs to jump or push 我们中的一个必须跳或推


And so your eyes starts running 所以,你的眼睛开始运行

but your face looks cold 但你的脸看起来冷


Because it's just cold when 因为它只是冷的时候

it's not right 这是不对的

And it's a heartache 这是一个心痛

that you never could satisfy 你永远无法满足

It's just cold with frozen kisses 这只是寒冷冰冻的吻

and a breath of ice 和冰的气息

It's just cold when it's not right 这只是冷的时候这是不对的

Is this a goodbye? 这是一个告别?


Now you're holding my hand until 现在,你牵着我的手,直到

your knuckles are turning white 你的指关节都变白

On my skin there's frost and yes I 我的皮肤上有霜是我

feel sorry but for time lost 感到抱歉,但失去的时间

Spent in your cold embrace 花了你冰冷的怀抱

I didn't chose this but it's the time 我没有选择这个,但它的时候

and it's the place 和它的地方

We're at the edge of the cliff 我们是在悬崖边上

One of us needs to jump or push 我们中的一个必须跳或推


Your eyes starts running 你的眼睛开始运行

but your face looks old 但你的脸看起来老

And it's just cold when it's not right 它只是冷的时候这是不对的

And it's a heartache 这是一个心痛

that you never could satisfy 你永远无法满足

It's just cold with frozen kisses and 这只是寒冷冰冻亲吻和

a breath of ice 冰的气息

It's just cold when it's not right 这只是冷的时候这是不对的

Is this a goodbye? 这是一个告别?


And it's just cold when it's not right 它只是冷的时候这是不对的

And it's a heartache 这是一个心痛

that you never could satisfy 你永远无法满足


This could be a good 这可能是一个很好的

A real good 一个真正的好

A goodbye 再见

歌词 Cold 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/cold-14/

歌词 Cold 的作者与版权信息:


Tomas Erik Gunnar Naeslund, Christian Thell Lindskog, Simon Frank Grenehed, Howard Benson, Marcus Tobias Dahlstroem


Emi Blackwood Music Inc., Sparky Dark Music, Air Chrysalis Scandinavia AB