歌词 "Clocks And Spoons" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Clocks And Spoons



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Clocks and spoons and empty rooms 时钟和勺子和空房间

It's raining out tonight 这是今晚下雨了

What a way to end a day 什么结束了一天的方式

By turnin' out the light 通过撇开了灯

Shoot the moon right between the eyes 拍摄两眼之间,月亮右

I'm sending most of me to sunny country side 我要送我大部分的阳光明媚的乡村


Runnin' through sky of blue rollin' in the sun 每句话在蓝色的天空罗林“在阳光下

Every day has a way of overflowing one 每一天都有溢出的一个方式

Shoot the moon right between the eyes 拍摄两眼之间,月亮右

I'm keeping most of me in sunny country side 我让我的大部分在阳光明媚的乡村


Don't know how I did that now wonder where it's gone 不知道我是怎么做的,现在不知道它的消失

Must have spent the way I went waitin' for the dawn 一定花了我去等着黎明路

Shoot the moon right between the eyes 拍摄两眼之间,月亮右

I'm screaming 我尖叫

Take me back to sunny country side 带我回到阳光明媚的乡村

歌词 Clocks And Spoons 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/clocks-and-spoons/