歌词 "Civilization" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译




English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Stand in line as we march to the drums of the east, 排队站立在我们前进到东部的鼓,

Paralyzed and possessed by crusaders deceased, 瘫痪和拥有的十字军死亡,

Lost to the sirens that call from the turbulent tide, 失去了从汹涌大潮致电警报器,

Bound by the science that lives on the lips of the wise... 由住在智慧人的嘴的科学约束...


The beating of a million drums, 一百万桶的跳动,

The fire of a million guns, 一百万枪火,

The mother of a million sons, 一百万儿子的母亲,

Civilization! 文明!


The beating of a million drums, 一百万桶的跳动,

The fire of a million guns, 一百万枪火,

The mother of a million sons, 一百万儿子的母亲,

Civilization! 文明!


Stand aside as they bow to the call of the beast, 站在一旁,因为他们低头的召唤兽,

Tantalized and seduced by the demons released, 魅惑和诱惑发布的恶魔,

Cast to the ground by the whim of the merciless sky 在无情的天空心血来潮摔在地上

Born to the fire that burns in the all-seeing eye... 出生于燃烧在全视之眼火...


The beating of a million drums, 一百万桶的跳动,

The fire of a million guns, 一百万枪火,

The mother of a million sons, 一百万儿子的母亲,

Civilization! 文明!


The beating of a million drums, 一百万桶的跳动,

The fire of a million guns, 一百万枪火,

The mother of a million sons, 一百万儿子的母亲,

Civilization! 文明!


The beating of a million drums... 一百万桶跳动......

The fire of a million guns... 一百万枪火...

The mother of a million sons... 一百万儿子的母亲...

Civilization. 文明。


The beating of a million drums, 一百万桶的跳动,

The fire of a million guns, 一百万枪火,

The mother of a million sons, 一百万儿子的母亲,

Civilization! 文明!


The beating of a million drums, 一百万桶的跳动,

The fire of a million guns, 一百万枪火,

The mother of a million sons, 一百万儿子的母亲,

Civilization! 文明!

歌词 Civilization 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/civilization/

歌词 Civilization 的作者与版权信息:


Xavier de Rosnay, Gaspard Auge, Gaspard Michel Andre Auge


Headbangers Publishing, Because Ed.