歌词 "City Love" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

City Love



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

I never liked this apple much 我从来不喜欢这个苹果多少

It always seemed too big to touch 它似乎总是太大触动

I can't remember how I found 我不记得我是怎么发现

My way before she came around 我的方法前,她来到身边


I tell everyone 我告诉大家

I smile just because 我微笑,只是因为

I've got a city love 我有一个全城热恋

I found it in Lydia 我发现它在肥姐

And I can't remember life before her name 而且我不是她的名字之前记得生活


She keeps a toothbrush at my place 她养了牙刷在我家

As if I had the extra space 就好像我有多余的空间

She steals my clothes to wear to work 她偷走了我的衣服穿去上班

I know - her hairs are on my shirts 我知道 - 她的头发是我的衬衫


I tell everyone 我告诉大家

I smile just because 我微笑,只是因为

I've got a city love 我有一个全城热恋

I found it in Lydia 我发现它在肥姐

And I can't remember life before 我不能记得以前的生活

The day 这一天

She called up and came to me 她叫了起来,来到了我

Covered in rain 盖在雨中

And dinnertime shadowing 和晚餐阴影

And as her clothes spun, we spooned 而作为她的衣服纺,我们相拥而眠

And I knew I was through 我知道我是通过

When I said "I love you" 当我说“我爱你”


Friday evening, we've been drinking 周五晚上,我们一直在喝

2 AM, I swear I might propose 凌晨2点,我发誓,我会建议

but we close the tab 但我们关闭标签

split a cab 拆分驾驶室

and call each other up when we get home 并打电话给对方,当我们回家

falling asleep to the sound 入睡的声音

of sirens 警笛


I've got a city love 我有一个全城热恋

I found it in Lydia 我发现它在肥姐


From the battery 从电池

To the gallery 到图库

It's the kind of thing you only see 这是什么样的东西,你只看到

In scented, glossy magazines 在香气四溢,印刷精美的杂志


And I can't remember life before her name 而且我不是她的名字之前记得生活

歌词 City Love 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/city-love/

歌词 City Love 的作者与版权信息:


John Mayer, John Clayton Mayer


Sony/ATV Tunes LLC, Specific Harm Music, Goodium Music, Reach Music Publishing-digital O.B.O. Goodium Music