歌词 "Circumstances" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译




English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

are you happy with your life? 你满意你的生活吗?

you make just enough to scrape by you pay the rent, 您只够勉强度日,你付房租,

and your check is spent where did last weekend go you wasted 和你的支票都花在哪里,上周末去你浪费

all your flow and you dont remember 所有的流程,你不记得

where it went drinking smoking cigarettes working 它去了哪里喝酒抽烟的工作

but you're still in debt thinking losing self-esteem. 但你仍然在债务思想失去自尊。

how can this be, happening? 怎么会这样,怎么回事?

you might have the temporary, 你可能有暂时性的,

superficial happiness that you buy with money you don't have. 你买了钱,你没有肤浅的快乐。

do you tell yourself, 你告诉自己,

it's just the first time or maybe the last time which is your circumstance life 这只是第一次也许是最后一次这是你的生活环境

is not a job or a career. 是不是一个工作或职业。

living is not smoking and drinking beer a gift to receive 生活是不吸烟和喝啤酒的礼物来接收

and not to take the free thinking choice is yours to make 而不是采取自由思考选择是你做出

歌词 Circumstances 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/circumstances-2/