歌词 "Chloe" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译




English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

How come you're so understanding 为什么你这么理解

When I tell you all my lies 当我告诉你我所有的谎言

And pretending to believe them 并假装相信他们

See through all my alibis 看穿我所有的借口

And I need you more than ever 我需要你比以往更

And I want you till the end 我想你至死不渝

Chloe 克洛伊


How you handle what you live through 你如何处理你度过

I can never hope to learn 我永远希望了解

Taking all the pain I give you 把所有的痛苦,我给你

Loving blindly in return 作为回报爱盲目

And I need you more than ever 我需要你比以往更

I will always be your friend 我永远是你的朋友

Chloe, Chloe 克洛伊,克洛伊


Chloe, what you gonna do about me 小克,你打算怎么办我

Chloe, what you gonna do 小克,你打算怎么办

What you gonna do about me 你打算怎么办那我呢


You're the lifeline that I cling to 你是我所坚持的生命线

When I feel like giving in 当我想要放弃的

When the dreams that I rely on 当我依靠的梦想

Start to wear a little thin 开始穿有点薄

Then I need you more than ever 然后,我需要你比以往更

And I want you till the end 我想你至死不渝

Chloe, Chloe 克洛伊,克洛伊

歌词 Chloe 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/chloe/

歌词 Chloe 的作者与版权信息:


Elton John, Gary Anthony Osborne


Big Pig Music Ltd., Hst Publishing Ltd.