歌词 "Channel 1" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Channel 1



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

I know, you see 我知道,你看

somehow the world will change for me 不知何故,世界将改变我

and be so wonderful 而如此精彩

Live life, breathe air 珍爱生命,呼吸的空气

I know somehow it's gonna get there 我知道,在某种程度上它会得到有

and feel so wonderful 感觉如此美妙

It's all for real 这是所有真正的

I'm telling you just how I feel 我告诉你,我是多么的感觉


So wake up the members of my nation 因此,唤醒我的民族的成员

it's your time to be 这是你的时间是

there's no chance unless you take one every time 除非你需要一个每次都没有机会

to see the brighter side of every situation 看到每一种情况的光明面

somethings are meant to be 出头是为了是

so give it your best and leave the rest to me 所以给它你最好的,其余的留给我


Leave it all to me 离开这一切对我来说

leave it all to me 离开这一切对我来说

leave it all to me 离开这一切对我来说

just leave it all to me 只要把它包在我身上

歌词 Channel 1 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/channel-1/