歌词 "Caught In The Act" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Caught In The Act


歌词相关歌手:KANE, MILES

English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Blown my final fuse 吹我最后的导火索

That's the electric on you 这是你的电

That keeps on burning, 那不断燃烧,

Keeps on tripping out 不断跳闸了


The longer it goes, 它进入的时间越长,

The harder I know 越努力,我知道

A change is coming, 改变即将到来,

A change is coming fast 改变就要快


The whole time I've been gone 整个过程中我已经走了

I thought you were alone 我以为你是孤独

You were caught in the act 你被当场抓获

You were playing away from home 你是从家里打客场


Breaking in, no way out 打破了,没有出路

Well I'm looking for a loophole 嗯,我正在寻找一个漏洞

But it feels like I'm spinning out 但感觉就像我纺出

When I caught you in the act 当我在行为发现你

Oh That's right 哦,这是正确的


Got home early from work 回到家提前下班

To find you doing worse 找你做的差

But why did you do it? 但是你为什么要这么做?

Why did you push me too far? 你为什么要推我太远?


Uncharted territory, 未知的领域,

Escaping me 我逃离

It's bowled me over, 它击倒我了,

It's cold and plain to see 这是冷,清楚地看到


The whole time I've been gone 整个过程中我已经走了

I thought you were alone 我以为你是孤独

You were caught in the act 你被当场抓获

You were playing away from home 你是从家里打客场


Breaking in, no way out 打破了,没有出路

Well I'm looking for a loophole 嗯,我正在寻找一个漏洞

But it feels like I'm spinning out 但感觉就像我纺出

When I caught you in the act 当我在行为发现你


The way I found out 我找到了方向

Your laziness let you down 你的懒惰让你失望

You were spreading yourself about the town 你自己散布在镇上

The worst that you could do, 最糟糕的是,你可以做的,

After all you put me through 毕竟你把我通过

Is it worth cracking up over you? 是否值得开怀大笑起来了吗?


The whole time I've been gone 整个过程中我已经走了

I thought you were alone 我以为你是孤独

You were caught in the act 你被当场抓获

You were playing away from home 你是从家里打客场


Breaking in, no way out 打破了,没有出路

Well I'm looking for a loophole 嗯,我正在寻找一个漏洞

But it feels like I'm spinning out 但感觉就像我纺出

When I caught you in the act 当我在行为发现你

歌词 Caught In The Act 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/caught-in-the-act-2/

歌词 Caught In The Act 的作者与版权信息:


Thomas Edward Percy Hull


Universal Music Publishing Ltd.