歌词 "Carried Away" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Carried Away



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

[Intro. (Piano)] [简介。 (钢琴) ]


You came from out of the skies 你来自出来的天空

Your skin and your eyes 你的皮肤和你的眼睛

The colours of bronze 青铜的颜色

The moon in your ear 在你的耳边月亮

Twinkled and shone 闪着了,照

Soon you'll be gone 很快你会离开


Sailing out on the blue 航行在蓝色

Your old man and you 你老爸,你

Drifting along 沿空掘巷

Leaving me here 在这里留下我

Thinking it through 经过思考它

Soon you'll be gone 很快你会离开


Moving through my changes as fast as I can 经过我的修改进展得很快,我可以

Trying to bring a balance to me and the man 试图把一种平衡,我和那个男人

Part of me is screaming to say 我的一部分是尖叫的说

I want to be carried away 我想带走


[Instrumental (Harmonica)] [乐器(口琴)


Moving through my changes as fast as I can 经过我的修改进展得很快,我可以

Trying to bring a balance to me and the man 试图把一种平衡,我和那个男人

Part of me is screaming to say 我的一部分是尖叫的说

I want to be carried away 我想带走


From out of the skies 从出天空

Your skin and your eyes 你的皮肤和你的眼睛

The colours of bronze 青铜的颜色

The moon in your ear 在你的耳边月亮

Twinkled and shone 闪着了,照

Soon you'll be gone 很快你会离开

歌词 Carried Away 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/carried-away-6/