歌词 "Carousel" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译



歌词相关歌手:IRON & WINE

English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Almost home 快到家了

When I missed the bottom stair 当我错过了底部楼梯

You were braiding your gray hair 你编织你的头发花白

It had grown so long 它已经变得如此漫长

Since I'd been gone 因为我一直在走


And the perfect girls 与完美的女孩

By the pool, they would protest 在泳池边,他们将抗议

The cross around their necks 在他们的脖子十字架

But our sons were overseas 但是,我们的儿子是海外

And we all know about the hive and the honey bees 我们都知道蜂巢和蜜蜂


Almost home 快到家了

With an olive branch and a dove 橄榄枝与鸽子

You were beating on a Persian rug 你被击败的波斯地毯

With your bible and your wedding band 与你的圣经,你的结婚戒指

Both hidden on a TV stand 无论是隐藏在电视柜


And the cruel wind blew 而残酷的风吹

Every city father fell 每一个城市的父亲下跌

Off the county carousel 关县旋转木马

While the dogs were eating snow 而狗吃雪

All our sons had sunk in a trunk of Noah's clothes 我们所有的儿子都陷入了诺亚的衣服干线


Almost home 快到家了

We got lost on our new street 我们迷路了我们新街

While your grieving girls all died in their sleep 当你悲伤的女孩在睡梦中全部死亡

So the dogs all went unfed 所以狗都去喂食物

A great dream of bones all piled on the bed 骨头一个伟大的梦想都堆放在床上


And the cops couldn't care 而警察也不在乎

When that crackhead built a boat 当crackhead建造一艘船

And said, "Please, before I go 并说:“求你了,我走之前

May our only honored bone 也许我们唯一的荣幸骨

Be the kinship of the kids and the riot squad" 是孩子们的亲属和防暴队“

歌词 Carousel 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/carousel-12/

歌词 Carousel 的作者与版权信息:


Samuel Ervin Beam


Sam Beam Music