歌词 "Captain Wedderburn" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Captain Wedderburn



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

A noblemen's fair daughter à贵族的女儿公道

Came down a narrow lane. 来到了一条狭窄的车道。

And met with Captain Wedderburn, 并先后与队长韦德伯恩,

The keeper of the game 本场比赛的门将

Now my pretty fair miss 现在我很公平的思念

If it wasn't for the law, 如果不是因为法律规定,

You and I in the bed might lie 你和我在床上躺会

Roll me over next to the wall 我翻过来旁边的墙上

Roll me over next to the wall 我翻过来旁边的墙上


Now, my dear good man, she said 现在,我亲爱的好男人,她说

Do not be perplexed 不要困惑

Before that you might bed with me 在此之前,你可能会和我上床

You must answer questions six. 您必须在6回答问题。

Six questions you must answer me, 六个问题你必须回答我,

And I will ask them all 我要求他们全部

And you and I in the bed might lie 你和我在床上躺会

Roll me over next to the wall 我翻过来旁边的墙上

Roll me over next to the wall 我翻过来旁边的墙上


What is rounder than a ring, 什么是比圆环形,

And higher than the trees? 比树高?

And what is worse than a woman's curse, 有什么比一个女人的诅咒糟糕的是,

And what is deeper than the sea? 有什么比海深?

What bird sings first, which one's best? 什么鸟唱首,其中一个最好的?

Where does the dew first fall 凡不露水落在第一

And you and I in a bed might lie 而你和我在床上躺会

Roll me over next to the wall 我翻过来旁边的墙上

Roll me over next to the wall 我翻过来旁边的墙上


The earth is rounder than a ring, 地球是圆的不是戒指,

And heaven is higher than the trees, 天上是比树木高,

The devil curse is worse than a woman's curse, 魔鬼的诅咒是不是女人的诅咒糟糕的是,

And hell in deeper than the sea 与地狱比海深

The lark sings first, the thrush sings best, 云雀唱第一,画眉唱得最好的,

Earth is where the dew falls 地球是其中的露水落在

And you and I in a bed might lie 而你和我在床上躺会

Roll me over next to the wall 我翻过来旁边的墙上

You and I in the bed might lie 你和我在床上躺会

Roll me over next to the wall 我翻过来旁边的墙上

Roll me over next to the wall 我翻过来旁边的墙上


He takes her by her lily-white hand 他被她雪白的手带她

And leads her down the hall 并带领她走下大厅

And he takes her by her slender waist 他把她用她的纤纤细腰

For fear that she might fall 生怕她会掉下

And he lays her on a bed of down 他奠定了她在床上下来

Without a doubt at all 毫无疑问,在所有

And he and she lie in one bed 他和她躺在一张床

Roll me over next to the wall 我翻过来旁边的墙上

And she and he lie in one bed 她和他躺在一张床

Roll me over next to the wall 我翻过来旁边的墙上

Roll me over next to the wall 我翻过来旁边的墙上

Roll me over next to the wall 我翻过来旁边的墙上

歌词 Captain Wedderburn 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/captain-wedderburn/

歌词 Captain Wedderburn 的作者与版权信息:


Bob Hallett, Alan Doyle, Sean Mccann, Darrell Power, gbs


Bro 'N Sis Music Inc.