歌词 "Captain Rhythm" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Captain Rhythm



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

I heard it from Sergeant Baseman 我是从警长垒手听说

That you were takin' me on a journey out of space 那你是羚牛的旅程我的空间

And he said that when we get there 他说,当我们到达那里

All the stars will fall at our feet, so what, we'll like it 所有的星星将下降在我们的脚下,还等什么,大家都会喜欢


If they come aboard 如果他们来搭乘

At least I can be sure 至少我可以肯定

By the time it is right 到时候是正确的

Captain Rhythm, won't you take me tonight? 队长节奏,你会不会带我今晚?


I wanna go out of my mind, Captain Rhythm 我想去的脑海里,船长节奏了

I know that you are one of a kind, see I'm forgiving 我知道,你是独一无二的,看我宽容

I'm tired of you holding control, I'd give my heart and soul 我累了,你拿着的控制,我愿意付出我的心脏和灵魂

Just to serve you 刚刚为您服务

'Cause you're my number one “因为你是我的头号


You came along with the letters 你的信来了

Called for [?] and the girls to save and navigate us 所谓的[?]和女孩来保存和浏览我们

So now that we're together 所以,现在我们在一起

I can't wait another day to tell you, you're my forever 我不能再等一天告诉你,你是我永远的


If they come aboard 如果他们来搭乘

At least I can be sure 至少我可以肯定

That the timing is right 认为时机已经成熟

Captain Rhythm, take me with you tonight 船长节奏,带我一起走,今晚


I wanna go out of my mind, Captain Rhythm 我想去的脑海里,船长节奏了

I know that you are one of a kind, see I'm forgiving 我知道,你是独一无二的,看我宽容

I'm tired of you holding control, I'd give my heart and soul 我累了,你拿着的控制,我愿意付出我的心脏和灵魂

Just to serve you 刚刚为您服务

'Cause you're my number “因为你是我的电话号码


One, one is two 之一,一种是2

That's me and you're what I love 这就是我和你是我的爱

I'm what you need 我是你所需要的

I need your loving, soul and soul 我需要你的爱,灵魂与灵魂


One and one is two 一加一等于二

That's me and you're what I love 这就是我和你是我的爱

I'm what you need 我是你所需要的

I need your loving, soul and soul 我需要你的爱,灵魂与灵魂


I wanna go out of my mind, Captain Rhythm 我想去的脑海里,船长节奏了

I know that you are one of a kind, see I'm forgiving 我知道,你是独一无二的,看我宽容

I'm tired of you holding control, I'd give my heart and soul 我累了,你拿着的控制,我愿意付出我的心脏和灵魂

Just to serve you 刚刚为您服务


'Cause you're my Number One “因为你是我的头号

(Out of my mind, Captain Rhythm) (在我心里,船长节奏)

'Cause you're my Number One “因为你是我的头号

(I know that you are one of a kind, see I'm forgiving) (我知道,你是独一无二的,看我宽恕)


'Cause you're my Number One “因为你是我的头号

(I'm tired of you holding control, I'd give my heart and soul (我累了,你拿着的控制,我愿意付出我的心脏和灵魂

'Cause you're my Number One “因为你是我的头号

(Just to serve you) (只是为您服务)

'Cause you're my Number One “因为你是我的头号

歌词 Captain Rhythm 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/captain-rhythm/

歌词 Captain Rhythm 的作者与版权信息:


Jonathan Falcone, Sebastian Falcone, Gwenno Saunders, Robert Barry, Anna Saunders


Nettwerk One Music