歌词 "California Girls" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

California Girls



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Now Pluto girls are neat but you know they'll 现在冥王星的女孩整齐,但你知道他们会

eat you up alive 吃掉你活着

Although they're nice to know when it's a thousand below 虽然他们很高兴知道这是一个跌破千元

it isn't easy to survive 这是不容易的生存

And Neptune girls are great for dancing 和海王星的女孩是伟大的舞蹈

with a dozen arms and legs 一打的胳膊和腿

They really hold you tight and they can boogie all night 他们真的抱紧你,他们可以趴了一夜

but it's so hard to kiss three heads 但它是如此难以亲吻三个头


[Chorus] [合唱]

I wish they all could be California girls 我希望他们都可以加州女孩

I wish they all could be California girls 我希望他们都可以加州女孩


Now Martian girls are really pretty 现在火星女孩真的很漂亮

with complexions bright and green 与肤色明亮的绿色

But nothing can surpass an andromeda lass 但没有什么可以超越的仙女座姑娘

I think their pointed heads are keen 我认为他们的头尖热衷

And Saturn girls are really funny they can 和土星女孩真的很有趣,他们可以

make you laugh to death 让你笑到死

With methane clouds alas combined with hydrogen gas 与甲烷云唉结合氢气


why it's a chore to take a breath 为什么这是一个苦差事喘口气


[Chorus] [合唱]

I wish they all could be California girls 我希望他们都可以加州女孩

I wish they all could be California girls 我希望他们都可以加州女孩


[guitar solo] [吉他独奏]


[Chorus] [合唱]

I wish they all could be California girls 我希望他们都可以加州女孩

I wish they all could be California girls [etc. etc.] 我希望他们都可以加州女孩[等。等]


[Chorus II] - girls- girls- girls- girls -I need girls -girls- girls- girls - I need... [etc. etc.] [合唱二] - 女孩 - 女孩 - 女孩 - 女孩 - 我需要女孩-girls-女孩 - 女孩 - 我需要... [等。等]


[Chorus III]- Calif--ornia Calif--ornia Calif-- ornia Calif--ornia Calif--ornia Calif-- ornia [合唱Ⅲ] - 加州 - ornia加利福尼亚 - ornia Calif-- ornia加利福尼亚州 - 加利福尼亚州ornia - ornia Calif-- ornia

歌词 California Girls 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/california-girls-2/

歌词 California Girls 的作者与版权信息:


Brian Douglas Wilson, Mike E. Love


Sea Of Tunes Publishing Co.