歌词 "California English" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

California English



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Wouldn’t ever gag you with a spoon, my only true love 不会永远压制你用勺子,我唯一的真爱

Never really heard you speak that way, it’s unworthy of… 从来没有听见你说这样的话,它是不值得的......

Funny how that little college girl called language corrupt 搞笑的是小的女大学生怎么叫语言腐败

Funny how the other private schools had no Hapa Club 有趣的是其他私立学校没有海派俱乐部


Someone took a trip before you came to ski in the Alps 有人拿了一趟你来到阿尔卑斯山滑雪前

Your father moved across the country 你父亲搬到全国各地

Just to sunburn his scalp 只是他的晒伤头皮

Contra Costa, Contra Mundum, contradict what I say 康特拉科斯塔,魂斗罗Mundum ,反驳我说什么

Living like the French Connection, but we’ll die in LA 生活像法国的连接,但我们会死在洛杉矶


Blasted from a disconnected light switch 从断开电灯开关诅咒

Through the condo that they’ll never finish 通过他们永远不会结束的公寓

Bounced across a Saudi satellite dish 横跨沙特卫星天线反弹

And through your brain to California English 并通过你的大脑加州英语


No one sits inside a freezing flat and stays there ‘til May 没有人坐在里面冷冻平坦,在那里停留,直到五月

Leafing through a stack of A-Zs to surf the UK 通过堆叠的A- Zs的书,随手一翻冲浪英国

Waiting with the wind against your face 用对你的脸,风等

And gel in your hair 和凝胶在你的头发

Shivering in little undershirts, but don’t seem to care 瑟瑟发抖的小汗衫,但似乎并不关心


Blasted from a disconnected light switch 从断开电灯开关诅咒

Through the condo that they’ll never finish 通过他们永远不会结束的公寓

Bounced across a Saudi satellite dish 横跨沙特卫星天线反弹

And through your brain to California English 并通过你的大脑加州英语


Sweet carob rice cake 甜角豆年糕

She don’t care how the sweets taste 她不在乎的糖果味道如何

Fake Philly cheese steak 假费城奶酪牛排

But she use real toothpaste 但是她用真实的牙膏


Cuz if that Tom’s don’t work 的Cuz如果汤姆不能正常工作

If it just makes you worse 如果它只是让你雪上加霜

Would you loose all of you faith in the good Earth 你会失去你的信心在良好的地球


And if it’s all a curse 如果这一切都祸

And we’re just getting worse 而我们只是越来越糟

Baby, please don’t lose your faith in the good earth 亲爱的,请不要失去你的信心在好土


Blasted from a disconnected light switch 从断开电灯开关诅咒

Through the condo that they’ll never finish 通过他们永远不会结束的公寓

Bounced across a Saudi satellite dish 横跨沙特卫星天线反弹

And through your brain to California English 并通过你的大脑加州英语

歌词 California English 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/california-english/