歌词 "Bye Bye Bluebird" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Bye Bye Bluebird


歌词相关歌手:BONEY M

English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Bye bye bluebird, Bye bye bluebird 再见蓝鸟,再见蓝鸟

You were lots of fun to know 你很多的乐趣就知道

But I have to let you go 但我必须让你走

Bye bye bluebird, Bye bye bluebird 再见蓝鸟,再见蓝鸟

You're the flyin' saucer kind 你的飞翔“飞碟样

In and out and hard to find 进出难求

Bye bye bluebird 再见蓝鸟

Bye bye bluebird 再见蓝鸟

Bye bye bluebird 再见蓝鸟

Bye bye bluebird 再见蓝鸟


Bye bye bluebird 再见蓝鸟


Bye bye bluebird 再见蓝鸟


When you came I flipped my lid 当你来到我翻我的盖子

I never thought I'd lose you kid 我从来没有想过我会失去你的孩子


Bye bye bluebird 再见蓝鸟

Bye bye bluebird 再见蓝鸟

Bye bye bluebird 再见蓝鸟

Bye bye bluebird 再见蓝鸟

Though we were a perfect pair 虽然我们是完美的一对

it was a flight-by-night affair 这是一个飞行了一夜的事


Bye bye bluebird 再见蓝鸟

Bye bye bluebird 再见蓝鸟

Oh I should have clipped your wings 哦,我应该修剪你的翅膀

I'm not gonna do these things 我不会做这些事

Bye bye bluebird 再见蓝鸟

Bye bye bluebird 再见蓝鸟

If you ever should be near 如果你要靠近

Don't forget to drop in here 不要忘了在这里落

Bye bye bluebird 再见蓝鸟

Bye bye bluebird 再见蓝鸟

Bye bye bluebird 再见蓝鸟

Bye bye bluebird 再见蓝鸟


Bye bye bluebird 再见蓝鸟


Bye bye bluebird 再见蓝鸟


Call me when you're short of dough 打电话给我时,你的短面团

Or maybe just to say hello 或者只是打个招呼


Bye bye bluebird 再见蓝鸟

Bye bye bluebird 再见蓝鸟

Bye bye bluebird 再见蓝鸟

Bye bye bluebird 再见蓝鸟

No hard feelings anyway 没有硬的感觉呢

It's nice to know we had our way 这是很好的了解,我们有我们的方式


Bye bye bluebird 再见蓝鸟


Bye bye bluebird 再见蓝鸟


Bye bye bluebird 再见蓝鸟


Bye bye bluebird 再见蓝鸟

歌词 Bye Bye Bluebird 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/bye-bye-bluebird/

歌词 Bye Bye Bluebird 的作者与版权信息:


George Reyam, Fred Jay, Frank Farian


Far Musikverlag Gmbh & Co. Kg