歌词 "But The Marquis Of Boulli Has A Trump Card Up His Sleeve" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

But The Marquis Of Boulli Has A Trump Card Up His Sleeve



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

[KING & QUEEN] [国王与王后]

But the Marquis of Boulli had a trump card up his sleeve 但Boulli侯爵有一张王牌了他的袖子



The Marquis of Boulli a good General Boulli一个好将军的侯爵

And fiercely loyal to the crown 狠狠忠于冠

With his army in the East 随着他在东部队

Hatched a plan to see the King released 酝酿了一个计划,看看国王发布


[QUEEN] [女王]

The Queen assuming the title Baroness Korrf 女王假设标题男爵夫人Korrf

Her papers signed by the King of course 签署过程中的国王,她的论文

Set forth before the break of day 规定一天的休息前

To join up with Boulli in Alsace Lorraine 加入与Boulli在阿尔萨斯洛林



From the shadows King Louis disguised as a humble valet 从阴影国王路易伪装成一个卑微的仆人

Sneaks out to make his getaway 偷偷出来让他逃走

With a small entourage of course 有一个小随从,当然



Just a few hundred light horse 短短几百轻骑兵



Well let him go, let him run, with his Austrian whore 好了,让他走,让他跑,他的奥地利妓女



Let him go to Prussia 让他去普鲁士



Let him go to Austria 让他去奥地利

Let him go and die there 让他走,并死在那里



Let him go 让他去



Let him go 让他去



Let him rot wit his Austrian Queen 让他腐烂的智慧他的奥地利皇后


[CHORUS] [合唱]

That the Republic at last can come into being 该共和国终于可以应运而生

But wait, fate would intervene 别急,命运将干预



A keen-eyed postmaster by chance 敏锐的眼睛邮政局长偶然



Recognized the King and Queen and 公认的国王和王后和


[CHORUS] [合唱]

Rode ahead to raise the alarm 骑着提前发出警报



In Parliament the moderates have their say 在议会中的温和派有发言权



The King has not fled 国王并没有逃离

He was kidnapped instead 他被绑架了,而不是

And spirited away 和千与千寻



To suggest that the King would run is a damnable lie 如果认为国王会跑是一个该死的谎言



It sticks in our throats and conflicts with our national pride 它坚持在我们的喉咙,并与我们的民族自豪感冲突



But the Austrian court 但奥地利法院

And Brunswick of course 和Brunswick当然

Say they'll declare war 说他们会宣战

If the King's not restored 如果国王没有恢复


[TROUBLEMAKER (mimicking Brunswick)] [麻烦制造者(模仿不伦瑞克省) ]

You must leave the King alone 你必须离开国王独自

Or all of Paris will be torn down 或全巴黎都将被拆除

Down to the very last stone 下到最后的石头



Paris will be pulverized 巴黎将被粉碎

Down to the very last bone 下到最后骨


[QUEEN] [女王]

When the carriage returned 当滑架返回

The acrid smoke of bridges burned 桥梁的呛人的烟烧

Hung heavy like a stifled sigh 洪重样一窒叹息

And they say the Queen had a tear in here eye 他们说,女王有撕裂的眼睛在这里



When through the carriage window 当通过托架窗口

Louis turned to face his peers 路易斯转身面对他的同行

A loyal friend, the Comte de Dampierre 一位忠诚的朋友,在伯爵皮埃尔

Doffed his cap with elegance 落料他的帽子与优雅

In deference to the King 在尊重国王

A brave and foolish thing to do 一个勇敢和愚蠢的事

In light o f the prevailing mood 在光 - ØF当时的心情


[CHORUS] [合唱]

A few drops in her eye 滴几滴在她的眼睛

A nice touch, a good try 一个很好的接触,一个很好的尝试

Too little, too late 太少,太迟了

For a last roll of the die 对于模具的最后一个滚



The crowd in a gesture less than elegant 人群中一个手势比优雅的少

Brutally remove his head 惨遭删除他的头



Brutally remove his head 惨遭删除他的头


[CHORUS] [合唱]

Brutally remove his head 惨遭删除他的头

歌词 But The Marquis Of Boulli Has A Trump Card Up His Sleeve 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/but-the-marquis-of-boulli-has-a-trump-card-up-his-sleeve/

歌词 But The Marquis Of Boulli Has A Trump Card Up His Sleeve 所在专辑及曲目:
所在专辑:《Ça Ira》
  • 专辑年份:2005
  • 类别:album
A Garden In Vienna 1765
Madame Antoine, Madame Antoine
Kings, Sticks And Birds
Honest Bird, Simple Bird
I Want To Be King
Let Us Break All The Shields
The Grievances Of The People
France In Disarray
To Laugh Is To Know How To Live
Slavers, Landlords, Bigots At Your Door
The Fall Of The Bastille
To Freeze In The Dead Of Night
So To The Streets In The Pouring Rain
Dances And Marches
Now Hear Ye!
Flushed With Wine
The Letter
My Dear Cousin Bourbon Of Spain
The Ship Of State Is All At Sea
Silver, Sugar And Indigo
To The Windward Isles
The Papal Edict
In Paris There's A Rumble Under The Ground
The Fugitive King
But The Marquis Of Boulli Has A Trump Card Up His Sleeve
To Take Your Hat Off
The Echoes Never Fade From That Fusillade
The Commune De Paris
Vive La Commune De Paris
The National Assembly Is Confused
The Execution Of Louis Capet
Adieu Louis For You It's Over
Marie Antoinette / The Last Night On Earth
Adieu My Good And Tender Sister
And In The Bushes Where They Survive
125 Part 1 (The Bio)
The Splak Shop
The Champion
I Think I Can Beat Mike Tyson
Living in America
Bill So Horny
Freaky Behavior
Go To Work
The Fog Or China
You're My Thrill
The Right To Love
Make A Prayer
Things You Say
Falling Into Ashes
Don't Get Sand In It
Going To The Top
Keep The Candle Burning
Through All That Nothing
Now The World
Just In Case It Happens, Yes Indeed
This Life
Silver Ships
Second To No One
Never Enough
Flex 36