歌词 "Burn It Down" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Burn It Down


歌词相关歌手:GOUDIE, REX

English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

She lit a cigarette and told me were through* 她点燃了一支香烟,并告诉我是通过*

A steady hand tapped dashes to the floor 一个稳定的手拍了拍破折号在地板上

She held herself together just to watch me come unglued 她认为她在一起只是为了看我脱胶

Set fire to everything I've ever felt before 放火的一切,我以前曾经觉得


The bitter taste of heartache still makes me wanna choke 心痛的苦味还是让我想呛

Cause' I remember watching all those years go up in smoke 因为“我记得看这些年走在烟雾


So burn it down, burn it down now 所以,烧了它,现在烧了它

Cause' I can't walk away 因为“我不能走开

I need to see what's left go up in flames 我要看看还剩下些什么上去的火焰

So burn it down, burn it down now 所以,烧了它,现在烧了它

Until there's nothing left to say 直到有什么可说的

Cause' I don't have the nerve to let it die out 因为“我没有好意思让它消亡

So I'll burn it all down 所以我会烧了这一切


Waking up alone will come easier in time 独自醒来,会更容易在时间

But this empty bed won't ever feel the same 但空荡荡的床上永远不会有同样的感觉

I try to hold myself to keep you off my mind 我努力克制自己,让你从我的脑海

I'd try anything, everything, to keep my head from playing games 我会尝试任何事情,一切,让我的头,从玩游戏


Cause' I remember watching all those years go up in smoke 因为“我记得看这些年走在烟雾


So burn it down, burn it down now 所以,烧了它,现在烧了它

Cause' I can't walk away 因为“我不能走开

I need to see what's left go up in flames 我要看看还剩下些什么上去的火焰

So burn it down, burn it down now 所以,烧了它,现在烧了它

Until there's nothing left to say 直到有什么可说的

Cause' I don't have the nerve to let it die out 因为“我没有好意思让它消亡

So I'll burn it all down 所以我会烧了这一切


So burn it down, burn it down now 所以,烧了它,现在烧了它

Cause' I can't walk away 因为“我不能走开

I need to see what's left go up in flames 我要看看还剩下些什么上去的火焰

So burn it down, burn it down now 所以,烧了它,现在烧了它

Until there's nothing left to say 直到有什么可说的

Cause' I don't have the nerve to let it die out 因为“我没有好意思让它消亡

Oh, I don't have the nerve to let it die out 哦,我没有好意思让它消亡

So I'll burn it all down 所以我会烧了这一切

歌词 Burn It Down 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/burn-it-down-7/

歌词 Burn It Down 的作者与版权信息:


Jonathan Lawson, Matt Evans, Rex Goudie


Uncle Matt Songs, Emi Blackwood Music Inc., Sony/ATV Tree Publishing