歌词 "Burden" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译




English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Crime in the currency 在货币罪

Fire down a bending wall 火降弯曲墙

Or would you care to be 或者,你小心被

In all the gambling that got started 在一切开始了赌博


No one is better off 没有人能过得更好

Hope is a candle lit night 希望是烛光夜

No one is meant to be 没有人,就是要

On anything afloat 在任何漂浮


We just lie awake in a stolen thought 我们只是躺在床上偷来的想法

We just lie awake and imagine what we are 我们只是躺在床上,想象我们是什么

We hide and wait for some golden star 我们隐藏并等待一些金色的星

And hope the dirt is wearing off 并希望污垢逐渐消失


Fall like a domino 秋天像多米诺骨牌

Lob up another mistake LOB了另一个错误

All of it's killing me 所有这一切的杀了我

Let's find a bitter end and restart it 让我们找到一个痛苦的结束并重新启动


Love isn't what you want 爱是不是你想要的

Hold if you can't believe 持有,如果你不相信

Facing a loaded gun 面对一把上膛的枪

In time to take a look at what's causing 随着时间的推移来看看是什么导致

all the fuss, we mustn't buckle all 大惊小怪,我们不能全扣

At once 一次


We just lie awake in a stolen thought 我们只是躺在床上偷来的想法

We just lie awake and imagine what we are 我们只是躺在床上,想象我们是什么

We hide and wait for some golden star 我们隐藏并等待一些金色的星

And hope the dirt is wearing off 并希望污垢逐渐消失


I just can't hold it together 我只是不能抱在一起


We just lie awake in a stolen thought 我们只是躺在床上偷来的想法

We just lie awake and imagine what we are 我们只是躺在床上,想象我们是什么

We hide and wait for some golden star 我们隐藏并等待一些金色的星

And hope the dirt is wearing off 并希望污垢逐渐消失


The devil is not the nature that is around us 魔鬼是不是就是我们身边的大自然

But the nature that is within us all 但本质是在我们所有的

歌词 Burden 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/burden-1/

歌词 Burden 的作者与版权信息:


Paul Meany


Universal Music - Z Tunes LLC, Mute Math Music LLC