歌词 "Bullion" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译




English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Twenty one, feeling down 二十一天,情绪低落

I tell you nothing with a thousand words 我告诉你什么了千言万语

and I weaker get, with every step 我弱得,每一步

I waste my money on compact disc's and staly fish 我浪费我的钱在光盘的和staly鱼

I can't remember the last time I did something that made 我不记得上一次我做了一件让

me feel alright longer than a few hours 我觉得不错用几个小时再

if I only had the strength to make some muffins then I 如果我只是有力量做一些松饼那么我

swear that I would share them with you now. 发誓,我会和你在一起分享。


Am I odd or am I not? 我是奇怪的还是我呢?

That's a question I spend time analyzing 这是一个问题,我花时间分析

I'm so soft, but still I'm not 我是那么柔软,但我依然不

living up to what people want me to be 生活达人们要我

cause I'm bussy with me, myself and I 因为我布西与我,我自己,我

can't be understood by someone I don't know to well 不能由一个人不知道理解到井

so I'm shutting out the whole world just to play Nintendo 所以我关闭了整个世界只为了玩任天堂

I've got these new games but I'm afraid you can't join me. 我有这些新游戏,但我怕你不能和我一起。


...These last few years I've been struggling ......这些过去的几年里,我一直在努力

and I'm tired of keeping low profile 我已经厌倦了保持低调

so now it's time to show that I'm alive... 所以现在是时候证明我还活着......


I'm gonna change my life, plans, Vans start to dance 我会改变我的生活,计划,面包车开始跳舞

change my thoughts, sox, moves, even my pro fighter Q. 改变了我的想法,SOX ,动作,就连我的亲战斗机问:

歌词 Bullion 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/bullion/

歌词 Bullion 的作者与版权信息:


Mathias Lars Farm, Nikola Sarcevic, Erik Hans Ohlsson, Fredrik Olof Larzon


Air Chrysalis Scandinavia AB