歌词 "Brothers" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译



歌词相关歌手:KIM WILDE

English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Here we are 在这里,我们有

Late in the hours that start another day 后期在开始又一天的时间

Here am I 我在这里

Skirting around what I really want to say 掠过身边我真正想说的


Brothers 兄弟

Well they hold a place in your heart 那么,他们持有一个地方在你的心脏

They're something apart 他们是分开的东西

But then... 但是...

Lovers... 祝英台...

Well that's a different thing to talk about 嗯,这是一个不同的事情谈


All this world 所有这个世界

You know I'd give you my love - if there were more 你知道,我给你我的爱 - 如果有更多的

But these words 但这些话

Cover the roads that we've walked so long before 涵盖了我们之前这么长时间走过的道路

That's another feeling 这是另一种感觉

That's a different story 这是一个不同的故事

When we've really nowhere to start 当我们真的已经无处下手

That's another feeling 这是另一种感觉

That's another place in your heart - when I say brothers 这是在您的心脏另一个地方 - 当我说兄弟


We've got really nowhere to start 我们已经得到了真正无处下手

That's another feeling 这是另一种感觉

That's a different story 这是一个不同的故事

They're simply just two worlds apart 他们只是简单地隔成两个世界

That's another feeling 这是另一种感觉

That's another place in my heart - when I say brothers 这是在我的心脏另一个地方 - 当我说兄弟


When ever we two get talking about love 当过咱俩谈爱情

It always ends up 它总是结束

Ends up in tears 结束了在流泪

I would have thought by now you'd know me 我还以为现在你知道了我

So please stop cryin' 所以,请停止哭泣

And wasting those tears 和浪费眼泪

歌词 Brothers 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/brothers-5/

歌词 Brothers 的作者与版权信息:


Kim Wilde, Rick Wilde, Marty Wilde, Ricky Wilde


Rickim Music Publishing Company Ltd., Rickim Music