歌词 "Brotha Man" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Brotha Man



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Brotha' man can I help you Brotha 的人,我可以帮你

Let me cut to the rhythm of your attitude 让我切到你的态度的节奏

Understandin' love patience a little kindness 相互理解的爱的耐心一点点善良

Will help to relieve you spiritual blindness let us 将有助于缓解你的精神失明让我们

Break the metaphysical down to the marrow 打破形而上学下降到骨髓

God loves you still he keeps the sparrow 上帝爱你,他仍然保持了麻雀

In his hands He's got a plan yall 在他的手中他有一个计划,亚勒

And I'm sure it's gonna be groovey 我敢肯定这会是groovey

So think about the days when livin' wasn't easy 所以想想天活着的时候“是不容易的

Think about the times when life was so misleading 想想时候,生活是如此的误导

Think about the days before they had any meaning 想想他们有任何的意义以前的日子

Think about these things what a difference you'll make 想想这些东西有什么区别,你会做

God's gonna heal you everywhere you hurt 你伤害了上帝的会医治你无处不在

You've done all you can so just watch him work 你所做的一切,你可以这样只是看他的工作

His wonders see this one that is mystical sweetness 他的奇事看到这一个是神秘的甜头

Folks stick around as we watch him complete this 乡亲们围着,我们看着他完成这

Thing he has done in you and in me 的事情,他在你和我做了

Cast your cares upon the sea of tranquility 在平静的海面投下你的烦恼

Which by the way you know he would never let you drown in 它通过你认识路,他绝对不会让你淹没在

So why do we die on the beach when 那么,为什么我们在沙滩上死了的时候

Love abounds in ways untold people watch there dreams unfold 爱盛产的方式不尽的人看有梦想展开

Every day in the blink of an eye slight of hand 在眼睛轻微手的眨眼每一天

Trust me yall when I say God is the man he can 相信我,亚勒,当我说上帝是男人,他可以

And most definitely will rest your soul 而最肯定会休息,你的灵魂

Truth be told let him have control 说实话让他有控制

See his eye is always on you 看到他的眼睛始终是你

And still he keeps the sparrow 他仍然保持麻雀

Even though life is'nt easy 尽管生活isnt容易

So think about the days when love was only fleeting 所以想想日子,爱是唯一的流年

Think about the days before they had any meaning 想想他们有任何的意义以前的日子

Think about these things what a difference you'll make 想想这些东西有什么区别,你会做

Think about the days [adlib] 想想天[即兴]

Won't you think about the days when livin' wasn't easy 你不想想天活着的时候“是不容易的

Think about the times when when life was so misleading 想想看,当时候的生活是如此误导时代

Think about the days before they had any meaning 想想他们有任何的意义以前的日子

Won't you sit around think about these things won't you won't you 你不坐下来思考这些事情不会你不会你

Think about the days when life was so sad 想想看,当生活是如此难过的日子

Think about the times when love was somethin' you lacked in 想想时候,爱情是事端,你缺少的

Think about the days when you lived on your hands and knees 想想看,当你住在你的手和膝盖的日子

Won't you think about these things 你会不会想这些事情

What a difference you'll make [out] 有什么区别,你会做[OUT]

歌词 Brotha Man 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/brotha-man/

歌词 Brotha Man 的作者与版权信息:


kim L. Owens


Songs Of Universal Inc., Kemunity Song Chest