歌词 "Broken Dreams" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Broken Dreams



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Have you ever had your dreams broken? 你有过自己的梦想破碎?

It really messes up your heart 这真的打乱了你的心脏

You want to stop right there 要停止在那里

And go right back to the start 和向右走回到开始


You got to leave the town you're living in 你得让你生活在城市

Oh I'm leaving, I'm leaving on the next train 哦,我要走了,我要走了就下火车

My dreams have been broken 我的梦想已经破碎

I don't think I'll ever be the same 我不认为我会永远是相同的


It's a bad, bad feeling when all the things 这是一个坏的,坏的感觉,当所有的事情

That you've worked for just don't seem to turn out right 那你的工作只是似乎并没有变成正确

Well this happened to me last night 嗯,这发生在我身上,昨晚

I woke up this morning and said I must be going 我今天早上醒来的时候,说我得走了


You see my dreams have been broken 你看,我的梦想被打破

I don't think I have 我不认为我有

The strength to carry on 实力进行

So I'll catch the next train southbound 所以我就赶下火车南


I don't want no pity 我不想没有怜悯

Not from you or anyone 不是从你或任何人

It's just my dreams been broken 这只是我的梦想被打破

And I got to tell someone before I go crazy 我一定要告诉别人之前,我发疯


I'll be leaving 我会离开

I'll be leaving 我会离开

On that next train going southbound 在那下一班火车前往南

Yes, I'll be leaving on that next train 是的,我会留在那下一班列车


You see my dreams been broken 你看,我的梦想被打破

And I just can't 我只是不能

Take the pain 采取的痛苦

I've got to move on 我必须继续前进


You see my dreams been broken 你看,我的梦想被打破

And I don't have 我没有

The strength 实力

To carry on 进行

歌词 Broken Dreams 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/broken-dreams-3/

歌词 Broken Dreams 的作者与版权信息:


Brian Michael Downey, Eric Bell, Philip Parris Lynott


Pippin The Friendly Ranger Mus. Co. Ltd.