歌词 "Broken" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

You don't know the trouble you're in 你不知道你在烦恼

Linvin' in paradise, livin' in sin Linvin “在天堂里,活着的罪恶

You better watch out baby one of these days 你最好当心宝宝的某一天

Another man coming gonna change your ways 另一名男子即将会改变你的生活方式


Broken, broken truth must be spoken 破,破的真理,必须讲

Can we be responsible, is someone keeping score 我们可以负责任的,是有人饲养的分数

Broken, broken when all guns are smoking 碎,中碎,当所有的枪都吸烟

Do you want to die then, according to the law 你想死的话,依法

Sunshine, moonshine, fire & flood 阳光,月光,火灾和水灾

Death come hungry to your neighbourhood 死神来饿到你家附近

You better watch out baby, one of these nights 你最好当心宝宝,这些夜晚之一

Somebody coming to shoot out your lights 有人来拍了你的灯


Broken, broken, lies will be spoken 坏了,坏了,谎言会被朗读

Must we be expendable, is that what we are for 我们必须要消耗,是我们所为

Broken, broken, when all doors are closing 坏了,坏了,当所有的门都关

Shall we say good-bye then, according to the law 我们应该说再见,然后,依法

You better move baby cut & run 你最好动的宝宝剪及运行

Better get back to where you come from 还是回你来自哪里

You better watch out baby, stay in line 你最好小心,宝贝,留线

You're gonna lose out to a life of crime 你会失去犯罪的生活


Broken, broken, swear I ain't jokin' 坏了,坏了,发誓不jokin

Is nothing sacred, no lovers anymore 没有什么神圣的,没有恋人了

Broken, broken, when virgins are chosen 坏了,坏了,当处女被选择

Then who will choose you according to the law 那么谁将会依法选择你

Broken, broken truth must be spoken 破,破的真理,必须讲

Too late to be virgins, too early to be whores 来不及为处女,太早是妓女

Broken, broken when all guns are smokin' 坏了,坏了的时候所有的枪吸

Then you must be silent, according to the law. 然后,你必须保持沉默,依法。

歌词 Broken 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/broken-9/

歌词 Broken 的作者与版权信息:


Donald Roeser, Philip Anthony Campbell, Richard James Page, Allen D. Jourgensen, Albert Bouchard, John Ross Lang, Michael Kiriakos Delaoglou, Steve George, Paul G. Barker, Ian Fraser Kilmister


Panola Park Music, Ali-aja Music, Warner/Chappell Music Ltd., 13th Planet Music Inc., Sony/ATV Tunes LLC, Warner/Chappell Music Publishing Ltd., Indolent Sloth Music, Spurburn Music, Warner-tamerlane Publishing Corp., WB Music Corp.