歌词 "Bring Out Your Dead" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Bring Out Your Dead



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Heavy like 1000 pounds 重样千磅

What if I told you now 如果我告诉你,现在

To carry the smell of death is 携带的气味死亡

harder than it sounds 比听起来困难

Heavy like 1000 pounds 重样千磅

I bite my lips and look around 我咬着嘴唇,看看周围

You said: 你说:

My dear, it smells like corpse in here 亲爱的,它闻起来像尸体在这里


Bring out 带出

Bring out your dead 衬托出你死亡

Bring out 带出

Bring out your dead 衬托出你死亡

Bring out 带出

Bring out your dead 衬托出你死亡

Bring out 带出

Bring out your dead 衬托出你死亡


Pull out the speakers now 现在拉出音箱

What comes out I will allow 生产出来的东西,我会允许

I didn't come here to die 我不是来这里死

Dare to see what's inside 不敢看里面有什么

It feels like suicide 这感觉就像自杀

My favorite corpse I like to hide 我最喜欢的尸体,我喜欢躲


Who am I without 我是没有谁

my skeleton friend? 我的骨架的朋友吗?

Without the rules I bend 如果没有规则第一弯

Can these broken bones mend? 这些破碎的骨头可以修补?

Scared if I let it all out 害怕如果我让这一切了

You will know what I'm about 你会知道我很担心

And the void, what do I fill it with 而虚空中,我该怎么填满它与

Once that corpse is gone 一旦尸体不见了


Bring out, bring out, bring out, bring out 带出来,带出来,带出来,带出

Bring out 带出

Bring out your dead 衬托出你死亡

Bring out 带出

Bring out your dead 衬托出你死亡

Bring out 带出

Bring out your dead 衬托出你死亡

Bring out 带出

Bring out what's dead 带出什么样的死

Bring out your dead 衬托出你死亡


Pull out the speakers now 现在拉出音箱

What comes out I will allow 生产出来的东西,我会允许

I didn't come here to die 我不是来这里死

Dare to see what's inside 不敢看里面有什么

It feels like suicide 这感觉就像自杀

My favorite corpse I like to hide 我最喜欢的尸体,我喜欢躲


When I let this corpse out 当我让这具尸体出来

He will bite your soul 他会咬你的灵魂

It will make you bleed 它会让你流血

When I let this corpse go 当我让这具尸体走

Will you do the same, 你会做同样的,

will you let him go? 你能不能让他走?

Let go 松手


Pull out the speakers now 现在拉出音箱

What comes out I will allow 生产出来的东西,我会允许

I didn't come here to die 我不是来这里死

Dare to see what's inside 不敢看里面有什么

It feels like suicide 这感觉就像自杀

My favorite corpse I like to hide 我最喜欢的尸体,我喜欢躲


When I let this corpse out 当我让这具尸体出来

He will bite your soul 他会咬你的灵魂

It will make you bleed 它会让你流血

When I let this corpse go 当我让这具尸体走

Look me in the eye and let me 看着我的眼睛,让我

know I'm not dead 知道我没死

歌词 Bring Out Your Dead 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/bring-out-your-dead-1/

歌词 Bring Out Your Dead 的作者与版权信息:


Tomas Erik Gunnar Naeslund, Christian Thell Lindskog, Simon Frank Grenehed, Howard Benson, Marcus Tobias Dahlstroem


Emi Blackwood Music Inc., Sparky Dark Music, Air Chrysalis Scandinavia AB