歌词 "Brick Walls" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Brick Walls



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

I just don't care 我只是不小心

Don't care at all 不稀罕

I've banged my head too long 我拍着我的头太长

On these brick walls 在这些砖墙

Every seed I sow 每粒种子我播种

Shudders and falls 战栗和瀑布

Perishes betweens 亡中间人

Ah these brick walls 啊这些砖墙


And I feel like the last hair 我觉得最后的发

On a head gone bald 在头秃了

Not much point being there No point at all 没有太多的点是有没有点可言

How many more years? 多少年?

Years 'till they fall 十年,直到他们掉落

On the blind eyes 在瞎子的眼

And deaf ears 和聋子的耳朵

And these brick walls 而这些砖墙


These brick walls 这些砖墙

These brick walls 这些砖墙

These brick walls 这些砖墙

Ah these brick walls 啊这些砖墙


And I'm long past worrying 而我早已过担心

And I'm way past being appalled 而我过去的方式被吓坏

I know history is hurrying up 我知道历史是匆匆走向

And time can't be stalled 而时间不能止步不前

So don't try to run, no 所以,不要尝试运行,无

Before you can crawl 在可以抓取

Just wait and the time will come 只是等待的时间会来

Hey for these brick walls 嘿,这些砖墙


These brick walls 这些砖墙

These brick walls 这些砖墙

These brick walls 这些砖墙

Ah these brick walls 啊这些砖墙


Ah, umhm 嗯, umhm

Brick walls 砖墙

Brick Walls 砖墙

Yeah 是啊

歌词 Brick Walls 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/brick-walls-1/