歌词 "Break This Chain" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Break This Chain



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

It's been handed down for generations 它已经传世

From my grandpa to my dad on to me 从我爷爷到我爸给我

All my life I've been shackled to a bottle 我所有的生活,我一直铐了一瓶

I never knew what it was like to be free 我从来不知道什么样子是免费的


[Chorus] [合唱]

It's time to break this chain that's been holdin' me down 现在是时候打破这个链一直牵着我失望

Leave it layin' on the ground 离开它开始裁员“在地面上

It's time to make a change, I've caused enough pain 现在是时候做出改变,我已经引起了足够的痛苦

Lord, won't you help me break this chain 主啊,你会不会帮助我打破了这个链条


I give you thanks for givin' me a reason 我给你感谢得到安宁我一个理由

And a wife with forgiveness in her smile 并与宽恕她的笑容妻子

Oh I want these two hands to be rock steady 哦,我想这两只手要稳如泰山

As she's handin' me our newborn baby child 由于她的handin “我,我们的新生宝贝儿


[Repeat Chorus] [重复合唱]


It's time to make a change, I'm tired of this pain 现在是时候做出改变,我已经厌倦了这种痛苦的

Lord, won't you help me break this chain 主啊,你会不会帮助我打破了这个链条

You made the sunshine and the rain 您所做的阳光和雨水

And you can wash away this pain 你也可以洗去这种疼痛

歌词 Break This Chain 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/break-this-chain/

歌词 Break This Chain 的作者与版权信息:


Billy Wayne Yates


Green Ivy Music, Warner-tamerlane Publishing Corp.