歌词 "Boy With A Coin" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Boy With A Coin


歌词相关歌手:IRON & WINE

English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

A boy with a coin he found in the weeds 用硬币一个男孩,他在杂草中

With bullets and pages of trade magazines 子弹和贸易杂志的页面

Close to a car that flipped on the turn 接近一辆汽车,翻上翻

When God left the ground to circle the world 当神离开地面绕世界


A girl with a bird she found in the snow 与鸟一个女孩,她在雪地里发现

Then flew up her gown and that's how she knows 然后飞到了她的礼服,这就是她怎么知道

If God made her eyes for crying at birth 如果上帝让她的眼睛哭在出生

Then left the ground to circle the earth 然后离开了地面绕地球


A boy with a coin he crammed in his jeans 用硬币,他在他的牛仔裤塞进一个男孩

Then making a wish he tossed in the sea 然后做一个愿望,他在海中翻腾

Walked to a town that all of us burn 走到一个小镇,我们所有的人烧

When God left the ground to circle the world 当神离开地面绕世界

歌词 Boy With A Coin 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/boy-with-a-coin/

歌词 Boy With A Coin 的作者与版权信息:


Samuel Ervin Beam


Sam Beam Music