歌词 "Boy Blue" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Boy Blue



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

You never knew yourself well enough 你永远不知道自己不够好

But she never knew you at all 但她从来不知道你在所有

And when she put you out on your own 而当她把你在你自己

It may have stolen your innocence 它可能存在被盗你的清白

But not your soul 但不是你的灵魂


Tell me where is little boy blue 告诉我哪里是小男孩蓝色

You'll find him standing always 你会发现他总是站在

One step ahead 领先一步

Fast a little, shy a little, boy blue 快一点,害羞一点,男孩蓝色

Wise blood runs warms and deep 聪明的气血运行变暖和深

On the street 在大街上

... Kids walking, just a kid walking ......孩子们走,只是个孩子走


You send a letter with photographs 您发送带有照片的一封信

And I'll tuck them under my dreams 我会送他们根据我的梦想

And if we wake up old beyond our years 如果我们唤醒旧超出了我们的年

Not quite as brave as we seem 不是很勇敢,像我们似乎

It's just the pain that never disappears 只是,从来没有消失的疼痛


Tell me where is boy blue 告诉我哪里是男孩蓝色

You'll find him standing always one step ahead... 你会发现他始终站在领先一步......


Dance a little, cry a little... 跳了一下,哭了一点点...


Where are you boy blue 你是哪里的男孩蓝色

Where are you... 你在哪里......

歌词 Boy Blue 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/boy-blue-1/

歌词 Boy Blue 的作者与版权信息:


Jeffrey S. Bova


Liquid Crystal Music