歌词 "Bound 4 Da Reload" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Bound 4 Da Reload



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Bound 4 the bound bound 4 the reload 4约束绑定绑定4重装

Bound 4 the bound bound 4 the reload 4约束绑定绑定4重装

Bound 4 the bound bound 4 the reload 4约束绑定绑定4重装

Bound 4 the bound bound 4 the reload 4约束绑定绑定4重装



I've been shot 我一直在拍

I don't believe this 我不相信这

Can everyone stop getting shot 每个人都可以停止射杀


Bound 4 the bound bound 4 the reload 4约束绑定绑定4重装

Bound 4 the bound bound 4 the reload 4约束绑定绑定4重装

Bound 4 the bound bound 4 the reload 4约束绑定绑定4重装

Mister DJ give me that reload DJ先生给我重装


Bound 4 the bound bound 4 the reload 4约束绑定绑定4重装

Bound 4 the bound bound 4 the reload 4约束绑定绑定4重装

Bound 4 the bound bound 4 the reload 4约束绑定绑定4重装

Mister DJ give me that reload DJ先生给我重装


Diggy diggy down.. Diggy diggy下来..



I've been shot 我一直在拍

I don't believe this 我不相信这

Can everyone stop getting shot 每个人都可以停止射杀


When I say you say we say they say make some noise 当我说你说我们说他们说凑热闹

When I say you say we say they say make some noise 当我说你说我们说他们说凑热闹

When I say you say we say they say make some noise 当我说你说我们说他们说凑热闹

When I say you say we say they say make some 当我说你说我们说他们说的做了一些


Bound 4 the bound bound 4 the reload 4约束绑定绑定4重装

Bound 4 the bound bound 4 the reload 4约束绑定绑定4重装

Bound 4 the bound bound 4 the reload 4约束绑定绑定4重装

Mister DJ give me that reload DJ先生给我重装


Bound 4 the bound bound 4 the reload 4约束绑定绑定4重装

Bound 4 the bound bound 4 the reload 4约束绑定绑定4重装

Bound 4 the bound bound 4 the reload 4约束绑定绑定4重装

Mister DJ give me that reload.. DJ先生给我重装..


Swing badda badda badda badda swing 摇摆巴达巴达巴达巴达摇摆

Swing like a birdy 摆动像小鸟

Swing badda badda badda badda swing 摇摆巴达巴达巴达巴达摇摆

Swing like a birdy 摆动像小鸟

Listen my sing 听我唱歌


Bound 4 bound.. 4 the reload 4约束约束。4重装

Bound 4 the bound bound 4 the reload... 4约束绑定绑定4重装...

歌词 Bound 4 Da Reload 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/bound-4-da-reload/

歌词 Bound 4 Da Reload 的作者与版权信息:


Guy Ritchie, Ken Freeman


Windswept Music (London) Ltd., Ska Films Limited