歌词 "Born To Love" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Born To Love



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

You wanna give but you hold it back 你想放弃,但你拿着它回去

Do you ever wo-onder why-y-y 你有没有WO -奥德为何-Y -Y

You wanna lie but you know the facts 你想说谎,但你知道的事实

Don't you ever learn to try-y-y-y-y 永远也不要学着尝试, Y-Y - Y-Y

Don't you want to try-y-y 你难道不想试试- Y-Y


A brand new day is daw-awnin' 崭新的一天是DAW - awnin “

With a million choices, take your pick 一百万的选择,你挑

But don't you miss your timin' 但你不想念你的TIMIN “

Don't you know-ow, this could be it 难道你不知道,超重,这可能是它


Live and lear-earn, not too slow-ow now 活到老,李尔 - 赚,不是太慢,超重现

We are bor-or-orn, born to love, oh-oh-oh-oh 我们BOR-或- ORN ,天生爱,哦,哦,哦,哦

Let yourself go-o-o now 百无禁忌-O-O现

We are bor-or-orn, born to love 我们BOR-或- ORN ,天生爱


Sometimes you win, sometimes you lo-ose 有时你赢,有时你LO- OSE

One day you laugh, one day you cry-y-y-y-y 有一天,你笑了,有一天你想哭- Y-Y - Y-Y

You've got a choice and you've got to choose 你有选择的自由,你有选择

Sometimes love can ta-ake you high-igh-igh-igh-igh-high 有时候,爱情可以TA- AKE你高IGH- IGH- IGH- IGH-高

Love can take you high-igh 爱可以带你高室内运动场


A brand new day is daw-awning 崭新的一天是DAW -雨篷

Got a million choices, take your pick 有一百万的选择,你挑

But don't you miss your timing 但你不想念你的时间

Don't you know-ow, this could be it 难道你不知道,超重,这可能是它


Li-ive and lear-earn, not to slow-ow now 立IVE和李尔 - 赚,不慢,超重,现在

We are bor-or-orn, born to love, oh-oh-oh-oh 我们BOR-或- ORN ,天生爱,哦,哦,哦,哦

Let yourself go-o-o now 百无禁忌-O-O现

We are bor-or-or-or-orn, born to love 我们BOR-或-或-OR - ORN ,天生爱


A brand new day is dawnin' 全新的一天dawnin “

With a million choices, take your pick 一百万的选择,你挑

But don't you miss your timing 但你不想念你的时间

Don't you know, this could be it 难道你不知道,这可能是它


Live and lear-earn, not to slow-ow now 现在生活和李尔 - 赚,不慢, OW

We are bor-or-orn, born to love, oh-oh-oh-oh 我们BOR-或- ORN ,天生爱,哦,哦,哦,哦

Let yourself go-o-o now 百无禁忌-O-O现

We are bor-or-orn, born to love 我们BOR-或- ORN ,天生爱


Live and lear-earn, not to slow-ow now 现在生活和李尔 - 赚,不慢, OW

We are bor-or-orn, born to love, oh-oh-oh-oh 我们BOR-或- ORN ,天生爱,哦,哦,哦,哦

Let yourself go-o-o now 百无禁忌-O-O现

We are bor-or-orn 我们BOR-或- ORN

[fade] [淡出]

歌词 Born To Love 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/born-to-love-2/