歌词 "Blush" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译



歌词相关歌手:ALY & AJ

English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

You openly admit 您公开承认

The things you like more are from me 您想了解更多的东西都是从我这里

Somehow I find it attractive 不知怎的,我觉得它的吸引力

That you won't censor anything 你不会审查什么


With you there is no filter 跟你有没有过滤器

To sugar coat what is said 以糖衣说什么

Even though I like your honesty 虽然我很喜欢你的诚实

It won't lead me to your bed so instead 它会不会导致我的床上,而不是如此


Go ahead and say it 来吧,说出来

Even though you know it makes me uncomfortable 即使你知道这让我不舒服

Go ahead and say it 来吧,说出来

If you must make me blush 如果你必须让我脸红


You are so transparent 你是如此的透明

The farthest thing from perfect 完美最远的事

Once again I am left out of breath 再一次,我离开了一口气

On the edge of losing it so instead 在失去它,而不是这样的边缘


Go ahead and say it 来吧,说出来

Even though you know it makes me uncomfortable 即使你知道这让我不舒服

Go ahead and say it 来吧,说出来

If you must make me blush 如果你必须让我脸红


Please take me under with you 请带我下了你

But I will only let you go so far 但我只会让你这么走多远

it can be our secret 它可以是我们的秘密

You know what our boundaries are 你知道我们的边界


Go ahead and say it 来吧,说出来

Even though you know it makes me uncomfortable 即使你知道这让我不舒服

Go ahead and say anything 来吧,说什么

If you must 如果你一定要


Make me blush 让我脸红

歌词 Blush 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/blush/

歌词 Blush 的作者与版权信息:


Amanda J. Michalka, Alyson Michalka


Seven Summits Music, Half Heart Music