歌词 "Blink" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译




English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

I'd like to remember 我想记住

I'd like to know all you are 我想知道你是

I'd like to know everything you'll be 我想知道的一切,你会

Where will you go? What will you do? 你会去哪里?你会怎么做?

When the world's right in front of you 当世界就在你眼前


When I think of how slowly life passes by 当我想着如何生活慢慢推移

Then I'll blink and you're growing 然后,我会闪烁,你成长

No longer a child 不再是个孩子

What I can do, to capture this moment in time 我能做些什么,捕捉到了这个时刻

Is to sing you a lullaby 是你唱摇篮曲


I like to watch you dream 我喜欢看你的梦想

I like to touch your face 我喜欢触摸你的脸

I like to hold you in a sweet embrace 我喜欢抱着你一个甜蜜的拥抱

When will you laugh? When will you cry? 你什么时候会笑?你什么时候会哭泣?

When you need a special place to hide 当你需要一个特别的地方躲起来


When I think of how slowly life passes by 当我想着如何生活慢慢推移

Then I'll blink and you're growing 然后,我会闪烁,你成长

No longer a child 不再是个孩子

What I can do, to capture this moment in time 我能做些什么,捕捉到了这个时刻

Is to sing you a lullaby 是你唱摇篮曲


When I think of how slowly life passes by 当我想着如何生活慢慢推移

Then I'll blink and you're growing 然后,我会闪烁,你成长

No longer a child 不再是个孩子

What I can do, to capture this moment in time 我能做些什么,捕捉到了这个时刻

Is to sing you a lullaby 是你唱摇篮曲

歌词 Blink 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/blink-3/

歌词 Blink 的作者与版权信息:


David Clewett, James E. Collins, Ivar Lisinski


Sharona Music, Murlyn Music Publishing/ Crosstown