歌词 "Blind Man" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Blind Man



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Blind man 瞎子

Standing on the corner 站在角落

Crying out the blues 哭了蓝调

And I don't need a dollar 而且我也不需要一美元

And don't give me a dime 而且不给我一毛钱

Until you bring back that little girl of mine 直到你带回我的小女孩

I can't let her go 我不能让她走

I'm hooked I can't let her go 我迷上我不能让她走

People try to tell me stop crying 人们试图告诉我停止了哭泣

And find you someone new 发现你新的人

'Cause when that good Lord made one woman 因为当了好耶做了一个女人

Halleluja! Halleluja !

Don't you know he made two 难道你不知道他做了两个

But I can't let her go 但我不能让她走

I'm hooked I can't let her go 我迷上我不能让她走

I can't let her go Lord 我不能让她走神

I can't let her go 我不能让她走

He lifted up his head toward heaven 他抬起了头向天

And said, Lord, I'd rather die 说,主阿,我痛不欲生

Then let a no-good woman 然后让一个没有好女人

Make me stand on this corner and cry 让我站在这个角落里哭

Lord knows I'm living in a world of darkness 上帝知道我生活在黑暗的世界

But that don't bother me 但是,不要打扰我

And until I find that sweet little girl of mine 直到我发现我那可爱的小女孩

Lord knows, I just don't want to see 上帝知道,我只是不希望看到的

I can't let her go 我不能让她走

I'm hooked I can't let her go 我迷上我不能让她走

Won't somebody please help the blind 会不会有人请帮助盲人

I can't let her go 我不能让她走

歌词 Blind Man 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/blind-man-4/

歌词 Blind Man 的作者与版权信息:


Don Robey, Joseph W. Scott


Duchess Music Corp.