歌词 "Bleed" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译




English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Why must I be like someone else? 为什么要我像其他人?

Why can't I just be myself? 为什么我不能只是做我自己?

If I should change who would it please? 如果我要改变会是谁吗?

Tell me the truth is this all there is 告诉我事实是这一切有

When I die will anybody care? 当我死了会有人在意吗?


[Refrain:] [副歌: ]

Well, don't tell me how to feel 好了,不要告诉我怎么感觉

Don't tell me what's not real 不要告诉我什么是真正的不

'Cause I am just me “因为我就是我

And I'm gonna let myself bleed 而且我不会让自己流血

So, get out of my way 所以,走出自己的路

I'm gonna let myself fear 我会让自己的恐惧

Let it live, 'cause this is my pain 让它活的,因为这是我的痛

This is my pain 这是我的痛


You tell me that I should believe 你告诉我,我应该相信

These things just take some time 这些东西只是需要一些时间

Well, I believe that you should leave 好吧,我相信你应该离开

You just don't understand 你只是不明白

Well, it sucks to me 那么,它吮吸我

I don't need your condescending sympathy 我不需要你的同情居高临下


[Refrain] [副歌]


You're never gonna get inside of my head 你永远不会得到我的脑海里

I never really cared about the things that you said 我从来没有真正关心的事情,你说

You're never gonna have a place in my world 你永远不会在我的世界里占有一席之地

'Cause you don't get it “因为你不明白这一点

You just don't get it, oh no. 你只是不明白,哦,不。


[Refrain] [副歌]

歌词 Bleed 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/bleed-15/