歌词 "Black Rainbow" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Black Rainbow


歌词相关歌手:ST. VINCENT

English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

There's a black rainbow upon my house 有一个黑色的彩虹在我家

Match the curtains and the floors 匹配的窗帘和地板

Think I'm glass I think I'm breaking it 想想我的玻璃我想我打破它

Wrecking ball outside the door 破坏球门外


Let the children act like furniture 让孩子像家具

For the ladies of the lawn 对于草坪的淑女

But I can't see them, I can't see at all 但我不能看到他们,我不能看到所有的

It's night time all the time 这是晚上的时间所有的时间


Bird outside the kitchen, fighting his reflection 外面厨房里的鸟,斗他的反思

Tell him I got nothing for him 告诉他,我没有什么给他

Bird outside the kitchen, fighting his reflection 外面厨房里的鸟,斗他的反思

What's he gonna win when he wins? 什么是他会赢,他赢了?


Unkissed boys and girls of paradise Unkissed男孩和天堂的女孩

Lining up around the block 排队各地块

Back pockets full of dynamite 回满炸药的口袋

While neighbors talk and talk and talk 虽然邻居交谈,谈话和谈话


Bird outside the kitchen fighting his reflection 外面厨房里战斗了反思鸟

Tell him I got nothing for him 告诉他,我没有什么给他

Bird outside the kitchen fighting his reflection 外面厨房里战斗了反思鸟

What's he gonna win when he wins? 什么是他会赢,他赢了?


Throw the phone out the window 扔手机窗外

If you want the neighbors woke 如果你想在邻居醒来

You'll have to shout out loud 你必须大声喊出来

And set the bell and slow 并设置钟,慢

If you want the neighbors woke 如果你想在邻居醒来

You'll have to shout even louder 你得喊更大声

歌词 Black Rainbow 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/black-rainbow/

歌词 Black Rainbow 的作者与版权信息:


Anne Erin Clark


Chrysalis Music, Nail Polish Manifesto Music