歌词 "Black Eye" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Black Eye



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Black eye, you showed me in a painting 黑色的眼睛,你给我的一幅画

Buildings and chrome 建筑物和镀铬

Don't take that pill, and ill take you home 不要拿药丸,病人带你回家

I said common and realize one day you're gonna die 我说通用,实现有一天,你是怎么死的


Break free, we'll be back before the weekday 挣脱,我们会回来的星期之前

Your dad will never know 你爸爸永远不会知道

That you took the pill, and i saw the road 那你拿着药丸,我看到道路

When the chemicals are in i said one day your gonna die 当化学品的,我说有一天,你会死的


Blow up, well i got a miracle 吹了起来,嗯,我得到了一个奇迹

And you wanna know why 而你想知道为什么

You were a home, and i am on fire 你是一个家,而我是火

When the chemicals are in i said one day your gonna die 当化学品的,我说有一天,你会死的


Black eye you hit, black eye on me 黑眼圈你打,黑色的眼睛在我身上

I am your trampoline 我是你的蹦床


Black eye, you showed me in a painting 黑色的眼睛,你给我的一幅画

Buildings and chrome 建筑物和镀铬

Don't take that pill cause ill take you home 不要拿避孕药引起不适送你回家

Oh i said common and realize that we can never die 哦,我说,常见的实现,我们可以永远不死


Black eye you hit, black eye on me 黑眼圈你打,黑色的眼睛在我身上

Take the pill and I'll watch you sleep 服用避孕药,我会看着你睡

Drive all night and you let me free 推动整个晚上,你让我自由

I said ill tell you one more time i never gonna be.... 我说我会告诉你一个时间,我永远不会是....

I am your trampoline 我是你的蹦床

歌词 Black Eye 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/black-eye-1/