歌词 "Billy Liar" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Billy Liar



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Billy Liar's got his hands in his pockets 比利说谎者的得到了他的双手插在口袋里

Staring over at the neighbor's, knickers down. 凝望过的邻居,短裤下来。

He's got his knickers down. 他得到了他的短裤了。


So the summer is eternity for you? 所以夏季是永恒的吗?

Sleeping in until your father's shaking you down 在睡觉之前,你父亲的摇你下来

He's shaking you down. 他摇晃你失望。


And the mailroom shift gets a real short shrift 和收发室转变得到真正的重视不够

As you dole out the packages, no-one seems to want you around 当你施舍的包,没有人似乎想在你身边

All skulking around. 所有的躲在左右。


Let you legs loll on the lino 让你的腿懒洋洋的利诺

'Til your sinews spoil 直到你的筋破坏

Will you stay here for a while, dear, 你会在这里呆了一会,亲爱的,

'Til the radio plays something familiar? 直到电台播放一些熟悉的东西?

Plays something familiar. 播放一些熟悉的东西。


All a-drifting, he's a no-good boyo 所有A漂流,他是一个没有很好的BOYO

Sent a-fishing for a whalebone corset frame 派出了捕鱼的鲸骨胸衣架

(His only catch all day) (他只有整天抓)


So he sits and lets the current take him 于是,他坐,让目前把他

A gentle breeze will leave his pants in disarray 微风将离开他的裤子趁乱

And at his ankles laid. 而在他的脚踝铺设。


As he drifts to sleep with a moan and a weep 当他漂流到睡了的呻吟和哭泣

He is decked by a Japanese geisha with a garland of pearls 他是挂满了日本艺妓与珍珠的花环

How she twists and twirls! 她怎么曲折萦绕!


Let you legs loll on the lino 让你的腿懒洋洋的利诺

'Til your sinews spoil 直到你的筋破坏

Will you stay here for a while, dear, 你会在这里呆了一会,亲爱的,

'Til the radio plays something familiar? 直到电台播放一些熟悉的东西?

Plays something familiar. 播放一些熟悉的东西。

歌词 Billy Liar 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/billy-liar/

歌词 Billy Liar 的作者与版权信息:


Colin Meloy


Osterozhna! Music, Music Of Stage Three