歌词 "Big Space" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Big Space



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

He said you stand in your own shoes 他说,你站在你自己的鞋

I said I'd rather stand in someone else's 我说我宁愿站在别人的

He said you look from your direction 他说,你看,从你的方向

I said I like to keep perspective 我说我喜欢让视角


Close to the middle of the network 靠近网络的中间

It seems we're looking for a center 看来,我们正在寻找一个中心

What if it turns out to be hollow? 如果它原来是空心的?

We could be fixing what is broken 我们可能会是如何弥


Between the pen and the paperwork 笔和文书之间

There must be passion in the language 存在必须在语言热情

Between the muscle and the brain work 肌肉和大脑之间的工作

There must be feeling in the pipeline 必须在管道里的感觉


Beyond the duty and the discipline 除了责任和纪律

I know there's anger in a cold place 我知道有愤怒在寒冷的地方

All feelings fall into the big space 所有的感情陷入了大空间

Swept up like garbage on the week-end 风靡起来像垃圾一样的周末


Between the pen and the paperwork 笔和文书之间

There must be passion in the language 存在必须在语言热情

Between the muscle and the brain work 肌肉和大脑之间的工作

There must be feeling in the pipeline 必须在管道里的感觉


All feeling 所有的感觉

Falls into the big space 落入大空间

All feeling 所有的感觉

Swept into the 扫到

Avenues of angles 角度的途径


Between the pen and the paperwork 笔和文书之间

I'm sure there's passion in the language 我敢肯定有一个在语言的激情

Between the muscle and the brain work 肌肉和大脑之间的工作

I know there's feeling in the pipeline 我知道,在管道的感觉

歌词 Big Space 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/big-space/

歌词 Big Space 的作者与版权信息:


Anton Sanko, Suzanne Vega


WB Music Corp., Waifersongs Ltd.